There are many different theories about dreams and their interpretation. Sigmund Freud described dreams as the royal road to the unconscious. He believed that they were of great importance to our unconscious thoughts, feelings and desires. Should we take the meaning of dreams literally? What effect do dreams about cats have on our mental he alth?
Throughout our lives, we may tend to put down into our minds those thoughts, feelings, and ideas that bother or shock us the most.Maybe dreams can have a positive effect on our mental and emotional he althor they are a means by which we solve problems and deal with our emotions and thoughts. Do dreams then play an important role in maintaining good mental he alth?
We dream about four to twenty dreams during the night. However, only a small percentage of them can be a source of information about our hidden desires or tips that will help in solving difficult problems. It is worth learning to distinguish between dreams that are important and those that are less important, and even more so to discover their symbolic message. Some experts encourage you to indulge in dreams that have atherapeutic functionand make you happier. In all this, one cannot forget that the most important thing ishe althy and restful sleep , which ensures mental and physical balance and has a positive effect on the nervous system. It is sleep that makes us lose tension and stress, and despondency fades away. Thanks to this, the mind functions better, which translates into the proper work of all parts of our body.
How to interpret dreams about a cat?
What can meancat dream ?Cataccording todream bookshave been considered a symbol of the hearth for centuries. They guarded farms against pests, i.e. mice and rats, and at the same time, as domesticated animals, were the favorites of small children. But this is not the only face of cat's symbolism. Ancient times attributed divine qualities to them because of their hunting talents, agility and independence. In Christianity, the image of Jesus destroying Satan, symbolized by mice and rats, was seen in them, so they were a symbol of victory over evil and had positive connotations.
This image, however, changed the assignment of magical powers to cats -from then on they came to be associated with witchcraft, witches and dark forces, and it was also a common opinion that cats were killed during sorcery practices. So they became symbols of evil, night (because of the ability to see in the dark), and even Satan, they also began to be attributed negative human traits, such as laziness, selfishness, theft, duplicity, falsehood.
In later centuries, cats came to be associated with sensuality and carnal love, and a cat hunting for prey was identified with a man seeking the virtue of a woman. In the paintings, the fight between the cat and the dog was an image of the fight between evil and good. The black tom, identified with bad luck and death, has a particularly negative meaning.
According to Scandinavian beliefs, he was a guide of souls to the world of the dead. It is worth adding that the symbolism of such an animal differs depending on the region of the world. In Poland, the black cat has negative associations, the same is true in Russia and China, where it symbolizes hunger. On the other hand, in Great Britain, Japan and Latvia, the black cat is a harbinger of happiness and we alth.
Dream interpretation - cat as a warning
Dream books often say that all connections of a cat in a dream should refer to a partner or someone important to us. However, a cat that appears in a dream should always be a warning against an unpleasant situation. Most dream books see it as a betrayal, trick or deception - the cat is associated with falsehood and selfishness.
It is worth remembering, however, that sometimes it is also an image of cunning and intelligence in a positive sense, which is why a pet that we chase away from ourselves or from home in a dream means that we have a chance to defeat the enemy by cunning, unfriendly slanders or emerge victorious from unpleasant ones situation. It is also not worth worrying about a dream about a eating cat, because it means that we will defend ourselves in a difficult situation with our wisdom.
This, however, is one of the few positive translations of a cat's dream. Usually it has negative connotations: meowing already means gossip and slander, choking on us - false friends, sucking up and sneaking into our favors, so after such a dream it is worth paying more attention to the flattery we hear - they can be insincere.
A cat sleeping in the sun, which is an image of only apparent innocence, has a similar explanation. The attacking cat should also be treated as a warning. This is because in the dream books it is an announcement of a conflict. The greater the wounds we suffer from cat's claws in our sleep, the greater the failure that awaits us. The size of a cat can be understood in a similar way.
If we are in danger of a small kitten, we face a smaller problem, if a big one - the encounter can be serious.A house full of cats means the presence of unfriendly people around us, and a cat crossing the road - is a harbinger of an illness.
Playing with a pet is translated as playing with fire: it is a signal that the relationships we enter into or the matters we engage in may end badly for us. So let's consider whether it is worth continuing them. It is different if we step on cats' tails in a dream - it is a sign that someone's cunning and wisdom will help us in our difficulties.
Dream interpretation - cat as waiting for love
In Egyptian dream books, the dream of a cat was sometimes translated as an announcement of love. This is because he was a symbol of the goddess Bastet, patroness of sensual love. In our time, the presence of a cat, especially a white cat in a dream, is often treated as an expectation of tenderness and someone's feeling, a different coloration of the animal may be a desire for forbidden passion or adultery. A cat that a man dreams of may symbolize the woman he wants physically.
When we see acat walking past us or somewhere in the distance , we read it as a disappointment in a love that may have ended too soon or not as deep as we thought it seemed. In the context of a relationship between two people,playing with a catcan be translated as a lover's betrayal, andstroking a cat- as giving affection to someone unworthy of our love.
A cat lingering on to usis supposed to symbolize a partner who flatters us to take advantage of and abandon. A cat sitting in a cage can mean goodbye or a breakup with someone close, but with the consent of both parties.
If a woman dreamsa cat curled up in a ball on her lap , it means that she is reckless, which may result in accepting an immoral offer. On the other hand, a cat sleeping on a man's lap in a man's dream is a warning against his insincere partner.
Sleeping womant, regardless of the sex of the person who dreams about him, may be a harbinger of the fulfillment of her innermost love desires. If you are looking for a pet in a dream, it indicates the need for freedom and independence from your partner.
Dream interpretation - black cat
There is a portent of bad luck, distress, financial loss, disease and betrayal. It can also mean bad luck and evil awaiting us. It is always a warning and a call to be more vigilant.
Dream interpretation - white cat
Means we judge someone badly. After such a dream, we should verify our assessments of the people closest to us. A white and clean cat is also a symbol of tender love and happiness that awaits us. It also means the dreamer's commitment to the relationship. The white cat in a different context means intellectual satisfaction, there isa harbinger of the solution of matters thanks to the wisdom and cunning of people who are kind to us.
Dream interpretation - ginger cat
It is a symbol of true love and a harbinger of happy times, not only in the emotional context.
Dream interpretation - gray cat
Seeing a gray cat in a dream means better times.
Dream interpretation - dead cat
In dream books, it means the need for freedom and independence, but also freeing oneself from problems or uncomfortable relationships. If in a dream we kill the cat, it means that we are not doing the right thing.
Dream interpretation - sick cat
This is a defeat.
Dream interpretation - cat and dog
As they are two opposing symbols, their presence next to each other signifies a fight between good and evil, sadness and joy, or he alth problems.
Dream interpretation - wild cat
It foreshadows betrayal. If a wild cat is also furious and aggressive, it can be read as a victory for the dark side of our character.
Dream interpretation - wounded cat
A dying or injured cat can be a warning against a heartbreak.
Dream interpretation - small cat
Cats are a harbinger of joy, but also new ideas. If we dream of a kitten with cubs, it may mean a decrease or multiplication of money. In dream books, little cats also reflect the dreamer's quarrelsome nature, which can cause unpleasant situations.
Dream interpretation - mouse and cat
A cat hunting mice means that someone is a threat to the dreamer or his family. It is worth looking around who this could be, because if we do not act, it may be too late. A cat that kills a mouse is good news - we will miss a dangerous adventure.
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