There are already over a million e-smokers in Poland. Their number is growing rapidly because electronic cigarettes do not stink, they are cheaper than traditional cigarettes and can be smoked in public places. They are still controversial, because they are still only slightly tested.
Electronic cigarettesbegan to gain popularity when smoking bans in public places were introduced.E-cigarettedoes not emit smoke, only aerosol.
Electronic cigarettes have become fashionable among high school and even junior high school students. Students can buy them without any problems, because the law does not prohibit the sale of e-cigarettes to minors.
It is a type of nicotine inhaler that appeared relatively recently, in 2004. Initially, tobacco smokers were suspicious of him. Currently, more and more people are replacing classic cigarettes with their electronic counterpart for economic or he alth reasons. Some of the benefits of using it are obvious. No stench in the rooms, clean curtains, fresh breath, more money in your wallet do not raise any doubts. On the other hand, the lower he alth harm of e-cigarettes or their help in quitting smoking are already the subject of disputes. There is a lack of reliable research on them.
There are no he althy cigarettes
On this, all doctors agree. But their views on e-cigarettes diverge. Some approach them more liberally, treat them as lesser evil. If someone is unable to break the addiction, it is better for him to smoke electronic cigarettes than traditional ones. There are over 4,000 chemical compounds in tobacco smoke. Many of them are toxic or carcinogenic (nitrosamines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, heavy metals). Scientists studying the composition of tobacco smoke examined only some groups of chemical compounds - potentially the most dangerous to he alth. It is understandable that they have become the subject of research on aerosol from e-cigarettes, but this work has been ongoing for a short time and is being de alt with by few centers.
E-cigarettes: Polish research
In Poland, research on e-cigarettes is conducted by prof. Andrzej Sobczak, head of the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Silesia. He examines the composition of both fluidsnicotine as well as aerosol reaching the smoker's lungs. The results of his work so far allow to state that most of the toxic and carcinogenic chemical compounds found in cigarette smoke are not present in e-cigarette vapors. The remaining ones are present in trace amounts, e.g. carcinogenic nitrosamines are approx. 600 times less than in cigarette smoke. The results of studies carried out by other scientists have shown that e-cigarettes do not change blood pressure, pulse or blood count. Hence, it can be concluded that the risk of cancer, as well as of the respiratory and circulatory systems, is lower in users of electronic cigarettes. How smaller we do not know, because there are no long-term clinical trials. The observations of smokers themselves suggest that when they replace traditional cigarettes, physical and mental performance improves, coughs and throat irritation are reduced. However, what effect they have on he alth in the long run, it is currently difficult to determine. They are definitely harmful because they contain nicotine. Besides, we do not know how the auxiliary substances act on the human body: glycerin and propylene glycol. We come into contact with them every day. They are found in cosmetics, medicines, and food. They have been proven to be harmless, but do they remain when heated to approx. 200 ° C and with increased air supply, which accelerates the process of their oxidation? In addition, even small doses of carcinogenic substances, especially if administered chronically over the years, can trigger genetic mutations in the cell, i.e. initiate the neoplastic process.
Learn 7 Ways To Quit Smoking
Electronic cigarette? Better not with children
The Public Smoking Ban Act, which entered into force on November 15, 2011, was designed to protect non-smokers from passive smoking. It contributes to many diseases, e.g. atherosclerosis. When puffing a traditional cigarette, two streams of tobacco smoke are generated: the main one, which goes to the smoker's lungs, and the side one, emitted while the smoker is not puffing. And this sidestream may contain more of some toxic substances than the mainstream. And what about e-cigarettes that can be smoked almost anywhere? There is no side smoke, actually aerosol. So far, only nicotine has been found in the air exhaled by the smoker. How much is she? And here too there are discrepancies. According to research carried out by prof. Sobczak is 10 times less than traditional cigarettes. On the other hand, the works of Greek researchers show that it is the same. Who's right? Time will tell. But just in case, it's better not to reachto use an e-cigarette with children, because the impact of passive smoking on he alth cannot be ruled out with a clear conscience.
According to an expertDr. med. Piotr Dąbrowiecki, allergist, chairman of the Polish Federation of Asthma, Allergy and COPD PatientsIs smoking e-cigarettes less harmful than traditional cigarettes?
Changing an analog cigarette to an electronic one is medically (biologically) good, because we do not introduce 400 toxic and 40 oncogenic substances into the body. But it does not free you from nicotine addiction, which affects all organs. It has a psychoactive effect, influencing mood and feelings, and is euphoric. The functioning of the nervous system is changed, adapted to the effects of nicotine, and disrupted when it is lacking. Is it not then to replace a more harmful addiction with a less harmful one? I think so. In the past, we used to take snuff and chew tobacco - this was also called lesser evil. You can quickly return to the "classics" from an electronic cigarette, so I recommend that you quit cigarettes tomorrow, regardless of their type, and free yourself from the addiction once and for all.
Electronic cigarette: the way to freedom?
Electronic cigarettes are intended for smokers only. They are supposed to help them quit the addiction, because you can gradually reduce the amount of nicotine contained in them to zero. Their producers argue that they are more effective than nicotine replacement therapy, because they fight two addictions: chemical (nicotine) and mental (related to the entire smoking envelope). They imitate puffing on a traditional cigarette. Thanks to them, many people gave up smoking permanently, but have also many quit smoking altogether? There is no reliable data on this. So perhaps in most cases one product was replaced with another.
According to an expert Krzysztof Przewoźniak, director of science, "He alth Promotion" FoundationWill the e-cigarette help fight the addiction?
There is no convincing evidence for this today, although some studies suggest it. In no country is e-cigarettes registered as a drug, but they are a new way of absorbing nicotine, a highly addictive substance. Toxicological studies to assess their harmfulness, in particular as a result of long-term smoking, are ongoing. A smoker who decides to use e-cigarettes, believing that he will get rid of the addiction in this way, should take into account the above facts.
E-cigarettes: striving to regulate the market
Everything indicates that tobacco will restrict the enormous freedom in the e-cigarette tradeEU directives that will enter into force in May 2016. These products will be placed on the market as consumer tobacco products, but may still be considered as such in countries where they have been registered as medical devices. Reusable cartridges will be allowed, while liquids with a nicotine strength greater than 20 mg / ml and disposable cartridges with a reservoir capacity of more than 2 ml will be prohibited. Producers will be obliged to provide the composition of the fluids and toxicological data of all ingredients. You will not be allowed to advertise e-cigarettes. Our Ministry of He alth would prefer to register e-cigarettes as medical devices under strict control of pharmaceutical companies, and the Ministry of Finance - as a tobacco product. Then it will be able to charge them with excise duty, because the one from traditional cigarettes is getting smaller. Due to rising prices, some smokers quit smoking (good for their he alth), others buy cigarettes on the black market or choose 60 percent. cheaper e-cigarettes (bad for the budget). Regardless of who wins, the electronic gadget will become more expensive. Not smoking will be the cheapest.
ImportantE-cigarette: how does it work?
E-cigarette is a device that applies nicotine, which may resemble a traditional cigarette. The smoker inhales it in the same way and gets a dose of the desired nicotine. It consists of three parts: a cartridge (a container for nicotine liquid, the so-called liquid), an atomizer (heaters with a microprocessor), in which the liquid is converted into vapors inhaled by a smoker, and a battery. The liquid contains nicotine, water, propylene glycol, glycerin and flavors, thanks to which e-cigarettes can have a tobacco, fruity or mint flavor. When the smoker takes a puff, the microprocessor activates a heater which heats the liquid. Then, particles of nicotine and additives are introduced into the flowing air. An odorless mist is produced. There is no combustion process, we inhale vapors of heated substances.
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