If your hair has lost its shine and your nails are breaking, it could be a sign that you are eating poorly. The nutrients contained in food products will help to naturally rebuild damaged hair and nails, which will be beautiful like never before.

Methionine, cystine

These are sulfuric amino acids contained inhair and nails . If they are missing, the nails form white stripes, the hair loses its elasticity and breaks easily.

Where to look?The body will produce cystine by itself if you provide it with the right amount of methionine. Amino acids are found in meat, dairy and grains, but in different proportions. In order not to run out of any, you need to eat everything, combine cereal products with dairy products, beans, and meat with groats, rice and vegetables.


It takes part in the synthesis of protein, so the condition of nails and hair depends on how much of it we have. Signs of a deficiency are breaking and splitting nails anddull, falling out hair .

Where to look?In liver, buckwheat, cheese, fish, dark meat, wholemeal bread, eggs, peas, seeds, milk, nuts. You need 13-16 mg of zinc daily. Every day, eat a few nuts or almonds, a handful of pumpkin seeds, and include seafood in your diet. Eat your vegetables raw.


Givesa he althy look to nails and hair . It takes part in the creation of melanin - a natural dark pigment in the hair, protecting it against discoloration.

Where to look?In offal, legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, garlic, potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, avocado, soybeans. If you eat he althy, you shouldn't miss it. Absorption increases vitamin C. Therefore, pasta or potatoes should be eaten with salad.


Gives the hair shine, preventing it from falling out.Protects nails against cracking .

Where to look?In fish, poultry, dairy products, tuberous vegetables, bran, cereals, wholemeal bread. We don't need much of it (5-20 mg a day), but the body only absorbs 30-50% of it. delivered element. If you eat 2 slices of wholemeal bread with grains or a portion of oatmeal every day and include it infish diets.

Beautiful hair and nailsare a showcase and decoration of every woman. Unfortunately, from time to time hair and nails become dull, dry and split. Suffering from hair loss and splitting nails, we too often reach for dietary supplements from the pharmacy. The key to success,rebuilding hair and nailsis introducing proper nutrients into your daily diet.

It is enough to spend a little time getting acquainted with the properties of compounds that are found in well-known and popular food products: meat, vegetables and fruit. Changing the diet will result in an almost immediate improvement in the complexion, quality ofhair and nails . Eat consciously and he althily and you will find that your hair can be strong and shiny regardless of the season. Get rid of the problem of split, brittle and dull nails for good. Natural beauty requires natural remedies.

Biotin, pantothenic acid

Biotin prevents splitting of nails and hair ends. When it is missing,hair is dry and dull . It protects against their falling out in the case of juvenile acne. Pantothenic acid strengthens the hair, supports the pigmentation process, delaying graying.

Where to look?Biotin can be found in soybeans, nuts, oatmeal, rice, beans, liver. Pantothenic acid - in bran, fish, poultry, whole grain products. A he althy diet covers the needs.

Vitamins A, C, E

They protect against the harmful effects of free radicals. Vitamin C deficiency causeshair breakage , and vitamin A promotes the appearance of dandruff.

Where to look?Vitamin A is found in animal products, beta-carotene - in yellow, orange, red, green vegetables. The treasury of vitamin E are oils, nuts, wholemeal bread, and C - vegetables and fruits. If you eat them every day and add oil to your food, you shouldn't run out of them.

Folic acid

How much we have depends on how fast they grow and in what condition they arehair and nails . By taking part in the production of red cells, it nourishes the hair. The organism stores it for a short time, so you still need to replenish the deficiencies.

Where to look?In green vegetables, beans, whole grains, orange juice. You will cover the daily requirement for folic acid (200 mcg) by eating muesli for breakfast or spinach for lunch. 200 mcg of folate is found in 1/2 kg of wholemeal bread.

Read: Recipes for homemade facial and body scrubs.

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