The cuvada syndrome (brooding syndrome) affects, according to researchers, from 11 to 65 percent of men whose partners are expecting a baby. Just like they have food cravings, their tummy grows and they often become depressed after giving birth. What are the causes of the cuvade syndrome? Why do some men feel as if they are pregnant themselves?
Kuwada syndromecan be interpreted in various ways, but, according to many specialists, it indirectly results primarily from the strong bond between partners.A man feels the symptoms of pregnancyas intensely as a woman, and just like her, it results from hormonal changes that are to prepare him for the role of a future father.
Pregnant man? Symptoms of the cuvada syndrome
A man suffering from cuvada syndrome, also known as lodging syndrome, may experience some or all of the following symptoms:
- morning sickness and vomiting,
- fatigue,
- sleepiness,
- culinary whims,
- mood swings,
- stomach pains,
- back pain,
- dizziness,
- increased appetite,
- weight gain,
- possible postpartum depression.
Cuvada syndrome: causes
Symptoms of the cuvada syndrome, so similar to the symptoms of pregnancy experienced by a woman, result from hormonal changes that, most likely under the influence of strong emotions, occur in the body of the future father. A storm of feelings, an explosive mix of joy and fear, anxiety and impatience felt at the same time can cause these somewhat surprising changes. Testosterone level, which corresponds to, among others for aggression is lowered, and the concentration of estrogen and prolactin - known as the so-called female hormones - growing. It is because of this that a man has problems with sleep, his appetite increases, and libido usually decreases.
Cuvada syndrome: nothing new under the sun
The term kuwada comes from French, where the word couver means to sit out, lie down. In the culture of the primitive tribes, when it turned out that his partner was pregnant, a man withdrew from tribal life and was "pregnant" with her, and when giving birth, he also gave birth.
Pregnancy symptoms in men: different theories
Experts are not unanimous about the causes of brooding syndrome.Some believe that it results from a strong bond with a partner, others that it serves only to deny the father's procreative role, and there are also those who believe that it is an expression of the willingness to actively participate in these typically female experiences. As you can see, these theories are not so much mutually exclusive as they complement each other.
Does cuvada syndrome heal?
No, cuvada syndrome is not treated. However, do not hide it if it does occur. It is much easier to deal with the symptoms of the cuvada syndrome if the partner knows that the man's behavior does not result from the desire to attract attention to himself, but - for purely hormonal reasons, she feels the same.