People diagnosed with anemia should follow an appropriate diet, consisting primarily of animal products.
Anemia , anemia, requires a good diet. An appropriatediet in anemiais also bad news for vegetarians. The bioavailability of iron contained in plant products is negligible. It is the same with milk, potatoes and fruit. Therefore, an anemia diet must be high in meat. People suffering from anemia should mainly use animal products.
Anemia diet: meat
Diet in anemiashould be high in iron. Iron from animal products is absorbed by the human body in 30%. Especially rich in iron, and therefore recommended for anemia, are: pork liver, beef (kidney and heart), turkey and chicken meat, black head cheese.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreAnemia diet: vegetables and fruits
In anemia, apart from meat, it is worth eating a lot of vegetables and fruits - they provide vitamin C, which increases the absorption of iron several times. Particularly rich in vitamin C are: parsley, acerola, sea buckthorn, black currant, rosehips, citrus (especially pomelo), paprika.
When it comes to iron itself, legumes are rich in it: peas, white beans, soybeans. You only need to soak them in water to get rid of phytic acid, which hinders the absorption of iron (soaking water should be drained and boiled pods in fresh water - this procedure allows you to get rid of up to 37% of phytic acid). It is worth knowing that vitamin C also neutralizes phytic acid. A good (and tasty!) Combination for people with anemia will be, for example, a bean salad with paprika, parsley and lemon juice.
A lot of phytic acid is also contained in oatmeal, sesame, linseed, almonds, nuts, cocoa, brown rice - better eat them between meals rich in iron so as not to interfere with its absorption.
Women need 18 mg of iron per day. Even more pregnant women - 26 mg
In an anemia diet, you also need to pay attention to drinks. The absorption of iron is delayed by the tannins found in tea. Therefore, if we have anemia, we should not drink this drink while eating. Caffeinated liquids, such as coffee or energy drinks, are also unfavorable in anemia.