Positive thinking, i.e. positive attitude towards life and people - helps in achieving goals, extends life and gives a feeling of happiness. How to learn positive thinking? Today, quantum physicists reaffirm what Far Eastern teachers have been teaching for thousands of years: thought is a wave of energy, and like any energy it can destroy and build. Each thought vibrates at a certain frequency that attracts a similar frequency to itself. Thought triggers emotions, which also create vibrations. So thoughts and emotions are waves of energy that we send out.
Positive thinkingis like a magnet. Depending on the quality of our thoughts and the words we say, we attract various events and people. Looking from the discoveries of quantum physics, we create our reality every day using thoughts, emotions, desires, beliefs, ideas and expectations.
We usually do it unconsciously. The more we repeat the same beliefs, the more we experience what they represent. Thoughts and words are like magnets that attract the exact same frequencies they send out into the world. Similar thoughts are drawn to us by events and people who vibrate in the same way. However, if we change our minds often, we may not necessarily experience pleasant surprises. Thoughts and words are vibrations that affect the world around us. They are intentions that we send out. This is the law of attraction - a universal law operating in the universe. Quantum physicists and some psychologists refer to it. They emphasize the importance of thoughts and spoken words as well as the emotions that accompany these words.
According to quantum mechanics, we influence the world and are responsible for what happens to us. Our consciousness has a real impact on reality. According to the law of attraction, most of what has happened in our life and is happening now is a manifestation of our thoughts, desires, expectations, and beliefs. If our psychic energy has the power to create reality, then by consciously using this knowledge, we can attract to ourselves what we want.
Positive thinking: good attracts good, bad - bad
Every day we think, use our beliefs and want something. But we are rarely infully aware of these processes. Therefore, we use the great tools of creation unconsciously. We can change that and use these tools consciously. In this way, we will have a greater impact on our lives.
When we think positively, we attract positive experiences and people who think like us. Even when we meet someone who thinks negatively, their pessimism will not affect us if we are positive. The exception is when our optimism and faith in the power of thoughts are not yet established. We can then wrongly assume that all people are bad and cannot be trusted.
We shape life with our thoughts and beliefs. Often we do not know exactly what we want, but we know very well what we want to avoid. By clearly saying what we don't want, we nourish this unwanted realm as the energy follows our attention. So we water the weeds instead of the flowers.
Positive thinking: our beliefs shape the world
Take a moment to think about how often you are talking to yourself in your mind. What are you thinking about? What is the quality of your thoughts? Are they positive and make you feel better, or do they make you feel bad? We often mentally criticize ourselves, others and the world. If we send criticism outward, it comes back to us with the same frequency. Reality for us is what we believe in. We look at the world through the prism of our beliefs. If you are not satisfied with what is happening to you in life, consider what thoughts and words you send out into the world most often. Are they mostly positive or negative? Remember: we strengthen what we focus on because energy follows our attention.
How do I get out of the circle of negative thinking?
- Do not listen to or watch the news before going to bed. Get a good night's sleep.
- Don't gossip!
- If someone close to you starts talking pessimistic, don't reinforce this message. Try to say something positive and comforting.
- Be aware when you start to think negatively, criticize yourself, and judge others.
- Pay attention to this when you start imagining dark scenarios.
- Take a look at what images and symbols predominate in your home. Do they have a positive message? If not, change them.
- Invite more colors to your home.
Are you pregnant? Pass on good emotions to your child
The thoughts and emotions of a pregnant woman have an impact on the new life developing in her. When a mother is stressed, the level of adrenaline in her blood rises and some of it passes into the baby's body. If stressful situations occur frequently, your child may be afterat birth weepy, and in the future nervous. The thoughts and words spoken by the mother to the child as well as her images are important. All of this is an energetic vibration that affects the developing baby. If you're expecting a baby, try to be positive and say positive things.

Minitest: What do you really want?
STEP 1. Take a piece of paper and write down what you don't want. Write as the sentences appear in your head without thinking. Do not stop, do not judge what you write, get carried away by your thoughts. When you are done listen to yourself. How do you feel after doing this part of the exercise? Read the list you created. STEP 2. Now transform all the sentences that start with "I don't want to". On a piece of paper, write down statements that will be the opposite of what you don't want. Examples: If you wrote, “I don't want to feel down,” think about what you'd like to feel instead of being depressed. Then change that sentence to a positive one, such as "I want to feel joy." If you wrote, "I don't want this job," write "I want a job where I can develop." "I don't want to be sick" - "I want to be he althy." “I don't want financial problems” - “I want to experience financial abundance.” Read the new sentences. How do you feel when you read them? STEP 3. So far you have been working on what you would like. Now try to imagine that what you want is just happening. So:
- You feel joy.
- You have a job where you develop.
- You are he althy.
- You are experiencing financial abundance.
What do you feel when you take these statements as true? How are you feeling physically and mentally? How has your mood changed compared to the one you had before this exercise?
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