Humanistic psychotherapy is a therapeutic trend that focuses on humans in a holistic sense. It combines feeling, experiencing and experiencing. Rogers' psychotherapy and Gest alt psychotherapy are based on its assumptions. What is humanistic therapy? Who is this type of therapy suitable for?
Humanistic psychotherapy - main assumptions
- Humanistic psychotherapy focuses primarily on "here and now", it emphasizes the individuality and uniqueness of a given individual.
- It makes you reflect on your life experience and the values that underlie the choices you make.
- A key role in it is played by the meaning of life, ambition, personal development, independence, understanding one's own emotions and what causes them.
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Who is a humanistic therapist?
The humanistic therapist acts as a guide and advisor to the client. In line with the assumption that the client has the greatest force of change - he focuses on expanding his self-awareness through meticulous determination of the direction and purpose of actions.
The word "client" is intentional here, because according to Carl Rogers, the status of the person asking for therapeutic help should be emphasized as a person aware of the need for support, where it is done on the basis of consultations, and not undergoing passive treatment .The purpose of such a terminological procedure is to emphasize the equivalence between the therapist and the client.
Humanistic psychotherapy - therapy goals
The goal of humanistic therapy is primarily to create conditions in which the client will feel at ease and safe. The role of the psychotherapist is an open conversation with the client, devoid of evaluation, imposing an opinion and methods of solving specific situations.
Humanistic psychotherapy focuses on removing the causes of given behaviors in their natural development process, not on their interpretation. According to its principles, the human body has an excellent ability to heal itself, and all life difficulties result from some kind of deficits.
Humanistic psychotherapy - results
The expected effect of humanistic psychotherapy is to build a sense of self-acceptance in the patient and to develop the ability to refrain from all kinds of contradictions between one's own beliefs and generally accepted social norms.
An important element of humanistic psychotherapy is also redirecting external control to internal control, i.e. from the patient's interior, not from the environment.
This type of procedure allows you to start being guided by your own desires, needs or feelings, and not what "should" and what the external environment expects from him.
Humanistic psychotherapy - who is this type of therapy suitable for?
Humanistic therapies are dedicated to people who are willing to get to know themselves, to explore their feelings and motives, and to develop and self-understand.
The conditions that prevail in the offices of humanistic therapists allow the patient to safely get to know himself, reaching his deepest structures.
Humanistic psychotherapy and the treatment of mental disorders
Humanistic psychotherapy finds its application in the treatment of patients with:
- obsessive-compulsive disorder,
- psychosomatic symptoms,
- emotional problems,
- depression,
- phobias.
In the case of more severe mental disorders in patients, other therapeutic approaches are used, e.g. cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy or psychodynamic psychotherapy.
In these methods, a significant treatment effectiveness is noticeable, including: personality disorders, neuroses, anxiety or depression. It is worth noting that not every type of therapy is intended for every patient and that there are no studies that clearly indicate which therapy is the best.
The effectiveness of the therapy depends on many factors, which include, first of all, the choice of the trend and the individual needs of the client.
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Humanistic psychotherapy - how is the therapy process going?
Humanistic psychotherapy belongs to the group of long-term therapies, which means that it is not short-term help, but long-term work, the effects of which must be waited for.
The whole process begins with a psychotherapeutic consultation, which can last from fifty minutes to even several hours. It is an opportunity for the client and the therapist to get to know each other, to definethe essence of the problem and setting the therapeutic goal.
Taking up the form of therapy depends on the psychotherapist and is mainly based on the client's preferences and predispositions. The key to humanistic psychotherapy is to build an appropriate dialogue based on trust in a relationship with the therapist. Focusing on the present moment will allow you to freely, successively know yourself and introduce any changes, if necessary.