Chlamydia infection can cause many complications. Their symptoms can vary greatly, which makes a proper diagnosis even more difficult. What complications can chlamydia infection cause?

Chlamydiacan causemany complications : joint pain and inflammation, changes in the nervous system, decreased immunity, various types of vascular diseases, such as also asthma or allergic tendencies. Chlamydia infections can also cause perhepatitis, the symptoms of which are sometimes mistaken for inflammation of the gallbladder or pancreas.

Chlamydia infection: the most common complications

  • urethritis
  • epididymitis and prostatitis in men
  • cervical erosions in women
  • cyst
  • Bartholin gland inflammation
  • inflammation of the endometrium, fallopian tube or both fallopian tubes, ovary or ovaries, pelvic organs
  • secondary infertility
  • perihepatitis

What does chronic chlamydia infection lead to?

  • arthritis
  • with throat inflammation
  • Reiter's team
  • changes in the nervous system
  • decline in immunity
  • asthma

What complications does chlamydia cause in pregnant women?

Chlamydia in pregnant women increases the incidence of premature rupture of the fetal bladder, may cause infections of the placenta or fetal membranes, may cause premature labor, and affect the low birth weight of the child. In addition, chlamydia infection in pregnant women can cause:

  • urethritis
  • cervical erosions in women
  • cyst
  • Bartholin gland inflammation
  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes (appendages)
  • secondary infertility
  • perhepatitis

Complications of chlamydia in newborns

  • ocular inflammation or conjunctivitis
  • nasopharyngeal infection
  • otitis media
  • atypical pneumonia
