A proper diet strengthens the body's immunity. In order to deal with an infection quickly, you need to strengthen the areas of the body where immune cells are produced. One of them is the intestines. Therefore, the best ally in defeating bacteria and viruses is an immune-boosting diet. Check what to eat to strengthen the body's immunity.
Cellsof the immune systemare scattered throughout the body. But most of them are found in those regions through which pathogenic microorganisms enter the body, e.g.in the mucous membranes of the digestive system . All you need to do is modify the menu permanently to increase the production of these he alth-protective antibodies.
Immunity-boosting diet: take care of your daily dose of vitamins and minerals
The importance ofvitamin Cin boosting immunity has long been proven. It strengthens mucous membranes and seals blood vessels, which prevents the spread of pathogenic microorganisms.
Helps to cleanse the body of toxins and facilitates the absorption of iron, which distributes life-giving oxygen to all tissues - this keeps your body strong and copes better with the attack of viruses and bacteria.
Remember:stress increases the need for this vitamin. The human body cannot store vitamin C, so you need to eat a good source of vitamin C every day. The average person needs about 70 mg of this vitamin a day, but in the autumn and winter period this dose can even be doubled. This amount is provided by: 10 grams of fresh or frozen black currants, 30 grams of kiwi, 30 grams of lemons, 45 grams of mandarins, 10 grams of red pepper, 15 grams of kale or 7 grams of parsley.
The best absorbed by the human body is iron contained in animal products (absorbed about 25%): lean beef, poultry (turkey), offal, fatty fish, and in eggs (in the yolk).
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This element is also found in legumes, green vegetables (broccoli, peppers, spinach, parsley), dried figs and sesame seeds. However, plant-based iron is only absorbed by 5 percent.
ImportantVitamin C improves absorptioniron, so sprinkle the meat generously with parsley and remember about a large portion of the salad. After your meal, drink a glass of orange or blackcurrant juice. But give up after-dinner tea and coffee, as they limit the absorption of iron.
Two other elements are important to strengthen immunity: zinc and copper. Thanks to them, more white blood cells (immune cells) are formed and they are more efficient. Copper and zinc can be found, among others in fish and seafood, calf liver, legumes, pumpkin seeds, eggs and soybeans.
To stimulate the immune system, you also need vitamin A and B vitamins. Vitamin A can be found in peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, broccoli and apricots (also dried). Its rich sources are also dairy products and the liver. Beans, sprouts, seeds and nuts will provide you with B vitamins. You can also find them in fish, dairy, poultry, and beef.
Vitamin D has a strong influence on the immune system. Its deficiency increases the risk of not only infections, but also autoimmune diseases, in which the immune system attacks its own tissues, including type I diabetes, Hashimoto's disease, psoriasis.
Vitamin D is produced in the skin when exposed to sunlight. Unfortunately, skin synthesis occurs only from late April to early September, and only on sunny days.
In the cold season there is no chance for it, at least in Poland, due to the too small angle of the sun's rays. The demand can be partially supplemented with a diet. Vitamin D is mainly found in cod and fish, which we should eat at least twice a week. There is little of it in other animal products, and in plant-based products there is negligible amount.
Immunity-boosting diet: remember to drink water
You need to drink plenty of water between meals. The best mineral is with calcium, magnesium and zinc. First, it dissolves harmful waste products and helps to remove them. Secondly, it moisturizes the tissues that work more efficiently. Thirdly, it provides elements important for the defense system.

Immunity-boosting diet: introduce probiotics into your diet
In the human intestines there are millions of beneficial microorganisms that protect him against poisons supplied through the digestive tract. These useful bacteria, called probiotics, also participate in the production of, among others vitamins K and B12.
Unfortunately, poor nutrition (e.g. preservatives, flavor enhancers added to food), stress, stimulants or taking antibiotics destroy probiotics and thus weaken general immunity. Why? Along with food tovarious harmful substances, pathogenic fungi and bacteria reach our body, and this may cause diarrhea.
When the natural intestinal flora is destroyed, the body sends its own immune cells, fearing dehydration. Then the defensive line on other fronts weakens, e.g. in the throat or nose. Therefore, if you are prone to diarrhea, you must especially take care of the intestinal flora (e.g. by using appropriate preparations).
Introduce probiotic products to your diet, i.e. those that contain live cultures of the same bacteria as those present in the human intestines. You will find them in yoghurts, kefirs, but also pickled cucumbers and cabbage. In the fall and winter season, drink 1/2 liter of fermented milk drink every day (check if it contains probiotics) and eat salads from pickled vegetables.
Diet to strengthen immunity: do not use slimming diets in autumn and winter
Malnourished people catch infections more easily. Our immune system needs the right dose of energy, i.e. calories. Therefore, it is better not to lose weight in the autumn and winter period.
Research shows that a diet of less than 1200 kcal per day significantly weakens the body's defenses. But excess calories are just as bad. Obesity has been shown to increase the risk of infectious diseases. Scientists speculate that the amount of fat in food is of great importance for the proper functioning of the immune system.
If there is too much of it, immune cells are less active. The origin of the fat also matters. Resistance is increased by fatty sea fish, nuts, oils, especially linseed.
Worth knowingTheomega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHAplay a key role in maintaining a he althy immune system, which are essential, in particular, to relieve inflammation. Unfortunately, our body cannot produce them on its own, so they must be supplied from the outside with food. Omega-3 EPA and DHA are found primarily in:oily cold-water fish, seafood and algae .
They are called essential fatty acids (EFAs for short) for a reason. They must be supplied from the outside on a regular basis, and their deficiency causes he alth-threatening effects. You can compensate for an omega-3 deficiency through your diet andnatural high-quality Omega-3 dietary supplements made from fish or algae oil.
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