Japanese manicure is a procedure that involves rubbing a paste with vitamins and minerals into the natural nail plate with vigorous movements and applying a layer of powder to it. As a result, he althy and natural-looking nails are obtained. How to make a Japanese manicure? Step by step instructions.
Splitting,brittle nailsare a problem for many women. If you cannot deal with a damaged tile, the care used by Japanese women may be a rescue. The principle of this manicure is very simple - it consists in intensively rubbing green paste into the nail plate. The paste contains substances that nourish and strengthen nails, and give them a unique glow of a pink pearl - Japanese Sea silica, bee pollen, keratin, vitamins A and E.
First, however, you need to roughen the plate with a nail file, thanks to which the channels leading into it are exposed, so the paste penetrates them perfectly. To keep it in them, you should now apply and massage a small amount of a special powder. The essence ofJapanese manicureconsists in skilfully rubbing the paste first, and then the powder - in one direction and using polishers made of deer skin: green for the paste and pink for the powder. The procedure does not use metal files to shorten the nails, and the cuticles are not cut. The effect is visible immediately - the nails are perfectly smooth and shiny. For the treatment to have a lasting effect, the manicure should be repeated 3.4 times, usually 3 weeks apart.
- Japanese manicure(known and used by Japanese women for four hundred years) makes the nails shine nicely and are perfectly nourished. This method was invented and developed by the Japanese company P.Shine - hence the other name of the treatment -manicure p.shine .
Japanese manicure - nail regeneration
P.Shine is a method that strengthens natural nails, giving them a pink pearl shine. Manicure gives the nails shine and strengthens them with natural ingredients (including vitamins A + E), keratin, bee pollen and silica from the Sea of Japan. This method is recommended forbrittle nails , brittle and splitting nails.
Japanese manicure vs hybrid manicure
It is worth remembering that immediately afterJapanese manicure You shouldn't paint your nails with nail polish orhybrid manicurebecause the nail plate is still too greased then. Wait a day or two and then paint your nails with your favorite nail polish color.
See on the video how to do a Japanese manicure:
Japanese manicure - step by step
To do the correctJapanese manicureat home you will need:
• double-sided nail file for shortening and matting nails before the procedure,
• a plastic spatula to apply paste and P.Shine powder on the polisher and to repel cuticles before the treatment,
• p.shine paste - rub it with energetic movements into the natural nail plate using the dedicated green polisher,
• powder - after applying the paste, rub the powder with vigorous movements into the natural nail plate with a pink polish. This way you protect the ingredients contained in the paste and let them penetrate the nail plate.
The treatment should be repeated every 3 weeks.
Worth knowingJapanese manicure - at home or in the salon?
Japanese manicureoffers many beauty salons; the procedure takes about 40 minutes and costs about PLN 60. You can also buy a kit for self-treatment, e.g. at beauticians' supply points. When deciding to buy online, make sure that it is the original product. The use of, for example, plastic polishes, instead of natural ones, contradicts the idea of the procedure and may not be up to the task.
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