Vegetarianism is not only a diet that eliminates meat, it is also a he althy lifestyle, which is based on a specific philosophy, morality and views on nutrition. A vegetarian diet is he althy as long as you know how to compose your menu correctly. Here are 12 tips for those who don't want to eat meat.
To become a true vegetarian, it is not enough to eliminate meat from your diet. You also have to learn a new lifestyle. The following rules will help in this.
If you don't want to eat meat:
1. Remember to diversify your meals
In addition to fruit and vegetables, eat grains, dairy, and high-protein foods. Each one provides different nutrients. By diversifying your diet, you will reduce the risk of missingmeatfrom your diet. The monthlymenuof a he althy person should contain about 60 different articles.
2. Choose coarse grain products
Eat wholemeal bread with soybeans, nuts or sunflower seeds, dark rice, millet and buckwheat, replace white flour with coarse flour. Add sprouts, germs and wheat bran to your meals. You can also eat them alone.
3. Eat around 80 grams of vegetables and fruit every day
Preferably raw. Prepare the salads just before consumption. Pij fresh juices. Remember that heat treatment destroys vitamins. So cook vegetables and fruits, preferably in the skin, by steaming or in a little water, and as little as possible. Do not peel the vegetables, just scrape them.
4. Eat legume seeds
Broad beans, peas, chickpeas (also known as Italian peas), soybeans, lentils and all varieties of beans contain a lot of protein and essential minerals, B vitamins and valuable fiber.
5. Don't overdo eating soy
Use it interchangeably with eggs and other legumes. Eat plenty of salads, vegetables, and fruit to keep your body in the right balance of protein and carbohydrate. Choose fermented foods because they are better digested than seeds.
6. Chew on pips and nuts during the day
Seeds of sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, nuts and almonds are a source of vitamins, including those from group B, and micronutrients, e.g. zinc, calcium, iron. NutsItalian ones also provide a lot of unsaturated fatty acids.
7. Use vegetable fats
They contain unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E and provitamin A. Buy cold-pressed oils. Corn, sunflower and soybean are easily oxidized during frying and lose their properties. Fry in rapeseed oil and olive oil. Use all of them raw.
8. Eat dairy
Milk is an excellent source of calcium, and its fermented products are also gastro-friendly lactic acid. Eat at least 4 eggs a week from yard chickens, as long as your blood cholesterol is not high.
9. Make homemade herbal teas
Prepare them from raspberry leaves, wild strawberries, blackberries, black currants, elderberries, acacia, rosehips, blueberries and rowan, properly dried and combined into your favorite compositions. Choose green and white teas from traditional teas - they are less processed.
10. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily
It is needed for all metabolic changes, dissolves mineral s alts and vitamins, cleanses the body of toxins, regulates temperature. Moisturizes the skin, preventing it from aging.
11. No s alt or sugar
S alt is found in most products. Therefore, there is no need to add extra s alt. Use herbs, spice vegetables, seaweed. And if you can't do without a s alty taste, choose herbal or sea s alt. Instead of sugar, use honey, maple syrup, molasses.
12. Buy organic products
Try to buy food from biodynamic crops, fruit and vegetables not sprayed, grown on natural fertilizers. Stock up at he alth food stores directly from the farmers. Choose foods without improvers or preservatives.
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