What research is required for the military? Despite the fact that the army changed its character from compulsory to professional one, each summoned must still present the compulsory medical examination. General information on the he alth status of young citizens is needed. Recruitment started on February 4 and will last until April 30.

Avoidingtestingand failing to appear before amilitary commissionmay result in a fine or even restriction of liberty. Each conscript is qualified to one of the categories determining the possibility ofmilitary service .The test resultsdetermines whether he is in category A - fit for military service, B - temporarily incapable of military service or D - incapable of active military service. From the moment the decision becomes final (14 days), candidates with categories A, B, D are automatically placed in the reserve. Those who get category E (permanently and completely unfit for military service) are removed from the military records list.

Research of candidates for the military

The tests to which the candidates are subjected comprehensively check the he alth condition of the examined person. The tests in all units are very similar - the procedures can only be slightly modified. Usually it starts with measuring blood pressure, height, weight. Then, the eyesight, blood tests (including the bilirubin component) and urine tests are performed in different sequences. It is also obligatory to meet a psychologist / psychiatrist and a neurologist. The candidate also has an appointment with an ENT specialist, where his hearing, nasal patency will be checked, and the oral cavity will be checked. Doctors will check the general condition of the skin, check for the presence of scars, etc.Tattoosare no longer disqualifying, provided that they cannot be seen from under the uniform.

Mandatory blood and urine tests

Doctors perform a complete urine morphology and general examination. A blood test forfor the presence of bilirubinis performed to check the concentration of this substance. Too high a factor causes jaundice, which temporarily disqualifies you from military service.

Can a soldier wear glasses?

Yes, provided that its defect is not large (on average, candidates are admitted to the army who do not have more than +/- 3diopter). Astigmatism is also acceptable. The decision also depends largely on the specific unit. Certainly people with visual impairments cannot become snipers or commandos.

Funnel chest

This type of build is a problem for many young men. This is the result of an abnormal growth of costal cartilages. The sunken sternum has a characteristic appearance. Chest defects negatively affect the respiratory system, limit lung capacity and the ability to move the chest. They can be successfully treated in children with appropriate exercises (corrective gymnastics) and vitamin D. Depending on the degree of chest deformity, a doctor from the WKU committee may decide on the candidate's options for military service.

Additional requirements

Prepare the test results, if you have had any recent illness - you should present the doctor with all documentation concerning past and current diseases. In addition, you should have all the documents with you, apart from your ID card and a photo, as well as a driving license, because you will need to write down the category for which you are en titled.
