What is the balance sheet of a four-year-old? Check the he alth balance of a 4-year-old child and get ready to answer questions that the doctor may ask during the visit.

Child's he alth balanceis an in-depth medical examination of a child that is carried out regularly at appropriate intervals. These tests are used to control the he alth of the child and early detection of he alth irregularities. What does the doctor pay special attention to when examining a four-year-old?

Balance of a four-year-old: research

At the beginning, the doctor asks about the child's he alth during the last two years (past diseases, susceptibility to viruses). The physical, psychomotor and social development of the preschooler is examined.

The child's blood pressure is measured and it is assessed whether all vaccinations have been made in accordance with the vaccination schedule.

Approximately, the doctor examines speech skills, eyesight and hearing. If something worries him, he or she will refer the child to an appropriate specialist, such as a speech therapist, ophthalmologist or ENT specialist. The child's body posture is mainly checked for lateral curvature of the spine, the position of the lower limbs and the shape of the feet

As with any balance sheet, the child's height and weight are measured and compared with the percentile grids, thanks to which the doctor determines if the child's development is normal.

This will be useful to you

A widely accepted norm is between the 3rd and 97th percentiles. Children who fall between the 3rd and 10th percentiles and the 90th and 97th percentile are within the normal range, so they will require more frequent medical consultations and additional tests to rule out other diseases related to abnormal height or weight.

Balance sheet of a four-year-old: questions the doctor should ask

1. Does the child walk and run efficiently?

2. Can the child stand on one leg?

3. Can the child undo buttons by himself?

4. Can the child draw a house / lake / flower?

5. Can a child build a bridge or other structure with blocks?

6. Does the child ask "why" and "why" questions?

7. Does the child understand spoken verbal commands, e.g. put it on the table, open the door?

8. Is the baby eating alone?

9. Does the child go to the bathroom alone and take care of his needs?

10. Whethercan the child put on pants, hat, shoes (without tying) on ​​his own?

11. Does the child spontaneously use multi-word sentences?

12. Is the child understood by those around you?

13. Does your baby have difficulty falling asleep and wake up at night?

The child's balance sheet examination ends with the completion of the balance sheet application and possible qualification of the child to the dispensary group (where it will be subject to special care).
