Whether or not your cholesterol is too high allows you to judge by a simple blood test. However, sometimes it is the body itself that lets you know that the cholesterol level is significantly above the norm. Read on to find out if you may have high cholesterol and what symptoms should make you see a doctor.
The symptoms of high cholesterol are not as characteristic as those of other ailments, and they often only appear when there is too much cholesterol.
Excess cholesterol is gradually deposited in the walls of arteries, creating the so-called atherosclerotic plaque, as a result of which the vessels stiffen and narrow. And this has not only quite serious consequences (including myocardial infarction), but also specific symptoms.
Most of them are easy to overlook or blame for fatigue, heat, or age-related changes. So let's take a close look at the signals your body is sending you. Here are the most common symptoms of too high cholesterol.
Problems with concentration and remembering , resulting from arteriosclerosis, or atherosclerosis.
Pain or discomfort in the lower leg , described as a "feeling of heaviness" and resulting from weaker blood flow through the area.
Yellow tufts, the so-called yellows.These are yellowish lumps on the skin, which are most often located in the corners of the eyes, on the eyelids, in the bends of the elbows, wrists and knees. Yellows can also take the form of bumps on the tendons of the wrists or the Achilles tendon. Almost half of the cases appear in states of increased lipid concentration, including cholesterol.
Night cramps of the feet and legs.They may be a symptom of peripheral artery disease (PAD), which is most often the result of atherosclerosis, although sometimes it may also have other causes, e.g. . inflammation.Difficult-to-heal wounds.They can appear all over the body, especially on the feet or legs, and are associated with peripheral arterial disease caused by high cholesterol levels.
Changes in the appearance of the legs:one of the symptoms of excessively high cholesterol may be shiny, stretched skin on the feet and legs, which in addition is pale (due to lower blood supply). Slower toohair grows back after shaving legs.
Read also: What is cholesterol? Check why it is worth taking care of the correct cholesterol level
Icy feet- it is also a symptom of too high cholesterol and the related narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, which hinders blood circulation.
Changing the appearance of toenails.In people who have too high cholesterol, they are definitely thicker, and they also need to be trimmed less often because they grow slower.
Find out what raises cholesterol!

Severe leg pain and numbness.It is associated with high cholesterol-induced disease of the peripheral arteries. Sharp, unpleasant pain may be present in one or both legs, part of them or even the entire length of them. The legs can also become numb while sleeping or resting, as well as while sitting, walking or even exercising - this is due to the narrowing of the blood vessels in which plaque builds up.
Chest pain.May signal coronary artery disease, including the effect of too high cholesterol. It is strong, choking, and can radiate from the area of the sternum to the neck or shoulders. It is often accompanied by dizziness, palpitations, numbness of the hands. It can occur during exercise and stress, as well as during rest.