My friend is after special school. Can he or she study further, e.g. in high school? What high school can I choose? And will they accept him after a school such as a special school?

Hello! I don't know what school your friend graduated from and whether it has the status of a junior high school. I also do not know why he ended up in a special school. There are very different types of such schools. Each of them gives different powers. Most of them continue their education in pre-vocational training. It all depends on what obstacles and opportunities the student has. For example, a graduate of a school for neuroticists has different prospects for further development than a student of a school for handicapped children. If you want to find out more about the schools offered to your friend, go with him to the Pedagogical and Psychological Clinic, which has a complete set of information on this matter. You can also ask the teacher at his school. After all, the educator knows his students and knows what he can offer them further. Good luck. B.

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Barbara Śreniowska-Szafran

Educator with many years of experience.

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