Hops syrup has healing properties - it helps with insomnia, relieves stress, reduces pain during menstruation, climatter and relieves pain in the roots. How to make hop syrup?
You associate hops mainly with beer? This is a big mistake, considering that there is not much hops in beer. But back to the point - hops, and more precisely hop cones, have many medicinal properties.
Hop cones help with insomnia, calm down, are recommended for excessive excitability, irritability, and also stimulate the appetite, increasing the secretion of gastric juice and saliva, and facilitate digestion. Hop cones also have a slight estrogenic and bactericidal effect. Their properties also include a diastolic effect, improving the mood during menstruation and menopause.
In hop cones we find essential oil responsible for the characteristic bitterness, flavonoids, sulfur compounds, tannins and choline. Among other things, of course.You can read more about hops, their composition and properties here: Common hops - healing properties and application
Hop syrup - recipe
- fresh hop cones collected or bought should be rinsed thoroughly
- pour water over the cones and let them stand for a minimum of 12 hours (it can be even a day)
- proportions: 30 dkg per liter of water
- then press the cones out of the water
- boil water, sweeten it (it can be honey) and pour it into bottles
- storage: at +4 degrees C.
Externally, the hop cone extract can be used as compresses in the case of:
- radiculitis,
- rheumatic pains,
- skin inflammation,
- with difficult-to-heal wounds,
- with hair loss.