Raspberries are delicious fruit - juicy and aromatic. They are also appreciated by nutritionists and herbalists, because raspberries (both their fruits and leaves) contain a lot of vitamins and minerals - including magnesium, calcium and iron, as well as many other substances valuable for he alth. Check what other he alth properties raspberries have.
- Raspberries - he alth properties
- Raspberries - nutritional values
- Raspberries - anti-cancer properties
- Raspberries and diabetes
- Raspberries and allergy
- Raspberries for fever
- Raspberries will help with stomach problems
- Raspberries will ease menstrual pain
- Raspberries - how to collect and dry?
- Raspberries - application
- Raspberries - selection and storage
- What are the properties of raspberries?
Raspberriesare fruits usually composed of many small, pink-red, juicy drupes. Theirhealing propertiesandnutritional values were already appreciated in the time of Jesus. The Romans began the process of their domestication around the 4th century and it was thanks to them that the crops spread throughout Europe.
The merit of the spread of raspberries, especially in the form of jams and jellies, is attributed to the British. It was also them who brought raspberries to New York in the mid-18th century. The cultivation of Native American black raspberries began in the 19th century.
Currently, there are over200known raspberries species in the world, ranging in color from red to black to rarer varieties of orange, purple and yellow.
In Poland, raspberries grow in forests and gardens. They bear fruit in the second year and wither in the fall, but the plant develops new shoots. Cultivated raspberries have many varieties that differ in fruit size, color and taste.
But wild raspberries are the most aromatic. These fruits contain more substances valuable for he alth.
The cultivars of raspberries come from the crossing of numerous species of raspberries, as well as raspberries and blackberries.
Raspberries - he alth properties
Inraspberry fruitsare organic acids (including citric, apple, salicylic), pectins, anthocyanins, sugars, mucus compounds, volatile aromatic compounds.
It is also rich in vitamins(e.g. C, E, B1 , B2 , B6 ) and many minerals - mainly potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron).
Whereasraspberry leavescontain tannins, flavonoids, organic acids, resin compounds, mineral s alts (including iron, copper, calcium).
Raspberry stalksalso have he alth properties. They contain a number of vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, calcium, iron and potassium.
Raspberries - nutritional values (per 100 g)
- Energy value - 52 kcal
- Total protein - 1.20 g
- Fat - 0.65 g
- Carbohydrates - 11.94 g (including simple sugars 4.42 g)
- Fiber - 6.5 g
- Vitamin C - 26.2 mg
- Thiamine - 0.032 mg
- Riboflavin - 0.038 mg
- Niacin - 0.598 mg
- Vitamin B6 - 0.055 mg
- Folic acid - 21 µg
- Vitamin A - 33 IU
- Vitamin E - 0.87 mg
- Vitamin K - 7.8 µg
- Calcium - 25 mg
- Iron - 0.69 mg
- Magnesium - 22 mg
- Phosphorus - 29 mg
- Potassium - 151 mg
- Sodium - 1 mg
- Zinc - 0.42 mg
Data Source:USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

Raspberries - anti-cancer properties
As a result of animal studies, scientists concluded that raspberries have potential anti-cancer effects.
Due to the content of ferulic acid and beta-sitosterol in raspberries, inhibition of tumor growth - both benign and malignant - has been noticed.
In turn, the substances contained in black raspberries are to significantly alleviate esophageal cancer and the formation of oral cavity tumors. Raspberry extract also reduces the multiplication of cancer cells in the liver.
Raspberries and diabetes
Due to the low glycemic index of raspberries (25), these fruits can be eaten by people suffering from diabetes. It is worth knowing that the anthocyanins present in raspberries lower blood glucose levels after starchy meals.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreRaspberries and allergy
Raspberries, like strawberries, often cause allergic reactions. This is due to the salicylates that these fruits contain.
Scientists have shown that children suffer from allergic reactions caused by raspberries much more often than adults. Raspberries or raspberry juice can be given to children from 7 months of age.
Raspberry allergy is most often manifested by redness, rash and itching. They usually appear on the face, but can also affect the rest of the body.
With prolonged allergy symptoms, a dry cough may develop.
Raspberries for fever
Both fruits and raspberry leaves are excellent antipyretic agents. Observations show that an infusion of dried raspberries or fresh fruit syrup causes profuse sweat secretion after30-60 minutesafter serving.
Raspberry leaves and sheep preparations have long been used to combat fever in the course of viral and bacterial diseases associated with elevated temperatures, such as flu or colds, also in the youngest. Raspberry syrup is especially recommended for children.
Due to their high vitamin C content, fresh raspberries are used to treat and prevent sinus infections.
Raspberries will help with stomach problems
Raspberry leaves are astringent, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. The tannins contained in them inhibit the growth of intestinal bacteria and effectively reduce diarrhea. Raspberry leaf preserves will also help in mildly bloated gas.
Raspberries will ease menstrual pain
Raspberry leaves contain substances that induce a slight relaxation of smooth muscles, incl. so they are helpful in relieving period pain. Due to their relaxing properties, raspberry leaf infusions should not be used by pregnant women.
Raspberry leaf tea also helps in treating morning sickness and vomiting.
Raspberries - how to collect and dry?
Raspberry fruits ripen in July and August. They are very delicate and easily crumple, release juice, stick together and mold. So you have to collect them carefully, in dry weather, to flat baskets and quickly dry or process into syrup. Properly dried raspberries should retain their natural color and pleasant aroma.
You must do itIn Poland, raspberry syrup was used already in the 16th century as a nutrient and generally strengthening the drug. Raspberry flowers, rubbed with honey, were recommended for rinsing "into swollen and watery eyes", and asthma was treated with a mixture of the juice of the leaves and honey. The decoction of raspberry leaves was used for compresses and compresses in various ailmentsskin.
Raspberry fruit infusion
2 tablespoons of dried raspberries pour a glass of boiling water and leave, covered, for 15 minutes. Drain. Pij 2-3 times a day for a glass of infusion during colds, flu, tonsillitis, bronchitis - when the disease is accompanied by fever.
Raspberry leaf infusion
Pour 1/2 cup of boiling water over a tablespoon of raspberry leaves and leave it covered for 15 minutes. Drain. Pij 1/2 cup of infusion 2-3 times a day for gastroenteritis, and also as a mild anti-diarrheal drug. The infusion of the leaves can also be used as a rinse in inflammation of the throat and mouth.
Raspberry leaves can be harvested in spring and throughout the summer - they should be he althy, without spots, young, but already well-developed.
Raspberries - application
Fresh raspberries are used to make a syrup - an excellent diaphoretic. It is also used to flavor medicines for children. Added to syrups recommended for colds.
Dried fruits are a component of diaphoretic and antipyretic mixtures. The leaves are included in herbal diuretic and choleretic mixtures.
Raspberries - selection and storage
To make sure that raspberries do not go bad quickly, avoid moist, too tightly packed fruits.
Spoiled and moldy raspberries must be removed immediately, and the remaining fruits put back in their original packaging (without washing).
Raspberries stay fresh in the refrigerator for about two days.
To freeze raspberries, rinse them, dry them, put them on a tray and then put them in the freezer. When they freeze, put them in a foil bag. They can be stored in the freezer for one year.
Source: x-news / TVN Agency