Parenting planning should be a thoughtful and responsible process. It is worth starting preparations for pregnancy a few months earlier. This is the time to stop taking medications, change your diet, do some tests, and finally choose the right moment for conception.
Getting pregnant is an individual matter. Some couples take more time to do this, others less. It all really depends on the he alth of both a woman and a man. The purpose of such preparation is not only "efficient" conception, but also ensuring the proper course of pregnancy and the he alth of the child. It is all influenced by diet, lifestyle, medications used and possible chronic diseases. This is a period in which it is worth consulting a doctor who will order appropriate tests and assess whether there are any contraindications for becoming pregnant.
Tips for her …
A woman planning a pregnancy should stop taking oral hormonal contraception at least three months earlier. Thanks to this, her body will have time to regulate the hormonal balance, and she will have time to assess the correctness of the cycle. It is also necessary to discontinue all stimulants during this period, including cigarettes and alcohol. Some experts also recommend starting supplementation with folic acid (0.4 mg per day), which reduces the risk of congenital defects of the child's nervous system. As pregnancy is a huge challenge for a woman's body, she should take care of her physical condition beforehand.
Tips for him …
In turn, when it comes to the father of the future child, a few months before the planned conception, he should take care of a proper diet and give up all stimulants. Male infertility in 40 percent. causes problems with getting pregnant. The quality and quantity of his sperm determines how long it will last to try for a child. And it is influenced by, among others nutrients supplied to the body that are responsible for the processes of spermatogenesis (sperm production). And it is favored by minerals such as zinc and selenium - often found in dietary supplements for men. Also in their case, it is also recommended to take folic acid.
Watch out for medication!
There are a number of medications that can affect fertility (both male and female). Their use may make it difficult to get pregnant, thereforeit is worth discussing the possibility of their temporary withdrawal with your doctor. However, it is absolutely necessary during this period to discontinue teratogenic drugs. These are substances that are toxic to the fetus and may cause death or genetic defects.
The most famous drug in this group is thalidomide, which in the 1950s was the cause of hundreds of births of limbless babies. Currently, this drug is still used, but under close supervision.
Isotretinoin (eg Izotek), used in the treatment of acne, has a similar effect. It can cause cleft palate and cardiovascular problems in the baby. Some doctors recommend discontinuing it even six months before the planned pregnancy.
Drugs contraindicated during pregnancy and when trying for a baby are among the so-called category X. It includes, among others vitamin A derivatives, anticancer drugs and some sleeping pills.
Timing of conception
Successful conception of a child requires appropriate timing. A woman can get pregnant for as little as 24 hours a day during her entire cycle (about a month). This is how long after an egg is released from the ovary into the uterus (called ovulation) for the sperm to fertilize it. In practice, this means that there are less than 4 days to conceive a child - because this is how much sperm can survive in a woman's body. They are the so-called "Fertile days".
Some specialists claim that the best method of "shooting" into this small window of "fertile days" is frequent intercourse. The sperm are then present in the woman's body at all times and there is no need to monitor ovulation. Research also shows that intercourse every 2-3 days translates into better parameters of sperm and semen fluid. Two-day-old sperm are fully mature and mobile. Knowing when the "fertile days" will come will significantly increase the chances of getting pregnant. There are several ways to recognize this moment.
How to recognize ovulation?
The most traditional method of describing "fertile days" is to keep a calendar. This method is based on the assumption that ovulation occurs 14 days before the end of the cycle. This allows the woman to calculate when her "fertile days" will be. However, this method is imperfect as it does not anticipate cycle irregularities. The calendar therefore only gives an approximate estimate of the time of ovulation. Therefore, often this method is complemented by another - the observation of vaginal mucus. During ovulation, it is transparent, slippery and very stretchy. A woman monitoring his appearance, noticing a change in this regard, can recognize when her fertile days are occurring.
If not, howeverwas enough, a third of the traditional methods of ovulation confirmation can be used. And it is the measurement of body temperature. During the fertile days it increases by 0.2⁰C to 0.4⁰C. However, daily monitoring is essential to detect any elevation in body temperature. The temperature jump is considered to be the first of three consecutive days when the temperature is at least 0.2⁰C higher than the temperature of the six preceding days.
Changes in hormone levels
Currently, the most effective and simplest method of checking ovulation is the so-called ovulation tests. These are simple strip tests that use the phenomenon of changes in the level of hormones in the woman's body. Well, around the middle of the menstrual cycle, there is a sudden increase in the level of luteinizing hormone (LH). This phenomenon is referred to as the "LH peak". The hormone is released from the pituitary gland, signaling the egg to move from the ovary to the uterus. As a result, within 24 to 36 hours, the "LH peak" is followed by ovulation
Ovulation LH TEST![](
Author: Hydrex
The ovulatory LH test is an excellent support for all people trying to get their own baby.
It is a fully professional, diagnostic strip test for home use, detecting the so-called LH peak, i.e. a sudden jump in the concentration of luteinizing hormone in the urine of a woman (at least 30 mIU / ml), preceding ovulation, which is the best moment for conception throughout the woman's monthly cycle.
I check the testTesting with such tests is based on the assessment of the concentration of luteinizing hormone in the urine. If the concentration is above 30 mlU / ml, the test will be positive. The test begins 7 days before the expected ovulation and is repeated after 2 days. Subsequent tests should be performed daily, until a significant increase in the LH level occurs.
Of course, be aware that the "LH peak" and ovulation may not occur in every cycle. At the same time, the test should not be performed on the first morning urine, as it is concentrated, which may result in a false-positive result. Any other time of the day is fine. It is important to carry out subsequent tests at the same time of the day.
There are many factors that influence pregnancy. It is estimated that this usually takes an average couple of months. At the same time, if after 3-4 months of efforts - especially based on the results of ovulation tests - the woman is still not pregnant, it is worth going to the doctor.