When does fertilization occur? We often don't know if conception has taken place. It seems that everything is clear: the egg must meet the sperm. Still, many people have a lot of questions about this. Find out how fertilization occurs.
Howandwhen does fertilization occur ? Fertilization means the fusion of an egg and a sperm into a single cell, which is the nucleus of a new organism. How does this happen? Can you be pregnant? This question arises especially after intercourse, when it is too late to think about contraception. The stronger the fear of pregnancy, the more absurd the ideas about when andif fertilization took place .
When and how does fertilization occur?
For fertilization to take place, two conditions must be met: penetration (i.e. the penis must be inside the vagina) and ejaculation, i.e. sperm flowing out of the penis into the vagina. After ejaculation, the sperm starts a "race" to the egg. The road leads through the cervical canal to the inside of the cervix and on to the fallopian tubes. Once the sperm reaches the egg, it begins to drill a hole in the egg's shell. If the sperm is strong enough, it will pass through this barrier, throw away the switch, and enter the egg. This is how a new life will begin.
ImportantHow long does a sperm live in a woman's body?
Even if she has penetrated and ejaculated, it doesn't mean that a woman will get pregnant. The chance of pregnancy largely depends on the number of sperm, their mobility, survival, the number of normal sperm and others. Not all of them are strong enough to bore a hole in the shell of the egg and get inside. It is worth knowing that some sperm cells in a woman's body can survive for up to 7 days.
Intermittent intercourse - is it possible to get pregnant?
Intermittent intercourse is the withdrawal of a penis from the vagina before ejaculation, preventing sperm from entering the vagina and fertilizing it. In practice, however, fertilization may occur. All because sperm can also be in the pre-eaculate. This is the secretion that comes out of the penis during intercourse, often long before you ejaculate.
When does fertilization not occur?
- through underwear - sperm do not have the ability to penetrate through underwear, and they die quickly in the air
- by petting - it is sexual contact in the course of which the penis is not introduced into the vagina, which is necessary for fertilization
- as a result of contact with sperm on a sheet, towel or on your hand - in the air, e.g. on a sheet or a towel, the sperm dries up and the sperm die almost immediately
See when to make love to get pregnant
Worth knowing- there is usually enough sperm in the first batch of ejaculation that is capable of fertilization. But even with a he althy man it doesn't look that good. Sometimes only 15 percent are properly built individuals
- if the sperm cannot reach the cervix within hours of ejaculation, they will die because the seminal fluid becomes toxic to them
- mature human sperm (spermatozoon) is approximately 60 micrometers long. It is made of a head, neck and switch. It is thanks to the latter, when it is in the genital tract of a woman, it can move at a considerable - for its size - a speed of 30 cm per hour
- the pear-shaped head contains genetic material, i.e. DNA. It is surrounded by a shrunken cell membrane, resembling a cap. This is where the sperm's strength lies - the acrosome - a special biological structure that allows it to enter the egg.