Adipose tissue plays an important role in our body. It protects internal organs against mechanical injuries. In addition, it is an energy store and protects the body against heat loss. When using, for example, a slimming diet, the body slows down the metabolism and reaches the reserves contained in adipose tissue. Adipose tissue is made of fat cells called adipocytes, which are formed by the age of two.
Apart from glucose stores in muscles and liver (in the form of glycogen)adipose tissueis the most important energy reserve in our body. Thecaloriesaccumulated in her form are enough for about 40 days of survival without any food! In addition, it also performs, inter alia, thermal insulation function - protects against heat loss.
Cells that make up adipose tissue
How are fat cells, or adipocytes, formed? Excess energy, mainly from sugars, goes to the subcutaneous pre-adipocytes through the bloodstream. These, with the participation of a specific protein called PPAR-gamma, transform into mature adipocytes, which are characterized by 3 times less mass than muscle cells, with much higher energy efficiency. It is worth emphasizing that adipocytes are formed up to the age of 2, then their number remains the same, only their volume changes. During energy shortages that occur during the use of slimming diets, the body switches to the "alarm" mode. This means that it lowersmetabolism , slows down some transformations, reaches for other energy reserves, such as glycogen. The purpose of these changes is to preserve fat reserves.
Hormones govern fat burning
Norepinephrine is a hormone that, by attaching to its receptor in the cell membrane, signals to break down fat particles into smaller forms. Some of these forms are "burned" by the working muscles, the remaining part, with the participation of thyroid hormones, affects the formation of proteins that burn subsequent fat particles with the simultaneous release of heat (this is the process of thermogenesis). In the daily menu, we can find many products that are rich in substances that work on the principle of norepinephrine, thyroid hormones or stimulate the disintegration of oneself.similar fatty acids.
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