From June 2, 2016, new standards of care for women who are at risk of pregnancy and failures will apply. According to them, a woman who gave birth to a stillborn child will not lie in the room with new or future mothers. She will be provided with a place where she will be able to live her tragedy with dignity. Check what other changes will be introduced.
From June 2, 2016, new standards of care for women who are at risk of pregnancy and failures will apply. These standards define the individual elements of medical care aimed at obtaining the best he alth of the mother and the child to be born in the case of: twin pregnancy or the following complications during pregnancy, delivery or postpartum: hypertension in pregnant woman, premature delivery, increased risk of intrauterine hypoxia and obstetric haemorrhage. The new standards also apply to patient care in the event of obstetric failures, e.g. stillbirth.
New standards of care for a pregnant woman at risk
1. Pregnancy complicated by hypertension
Determination of blood pressure in the patient during the test at the level of 140 mmHg of systolic pressure or 90 mHg of diastolic pressure or more, twice within an hour, is an indication for blood pressure control, and also (depending on the stage of pregnancy) to perform blood and urine tests of the pregnant woman and ultrasound examination of the fetus to exclude pre-eclampsia. Prophylactically, women with hypertension are given acetylsalicylic acid from the 16th week of pregnancy, which reduces the likelihood of complications caused by arterial hypertension, including of pre-eclampsia.
The standards deal with the five complications of pregnancy and childbirth that cause the most problems for doctors.
2. Premature births - the new regulations stipulate, among other things, that in women who have been diagnosed with spontaneous preterm labor or miscarriage (after the 16th week), progesterone should be administered vaginally prophylactically.
3. Twin pregnancy - is associated with an increased risk of childbirthpremature, pre-eclampsia, as well as complications related to fusion and death. In order to ensure proper care in a twin pregnancy, it should be diagnosed early and its type should be determined, and natural delivery of twins should be carefully supervised.
4. Risks of intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus - may cause multi-organ damage, incl. central nervous system. In this case, the following should be done: fetal cardiotocographic examinations, and all pregnant women should be informed about the necessity to perform such examination in case of decreased activity of the fetus.
5. Perinatal hemorrhage - when hemorrhage occurs, intensive anaesthesiological care as well as pharmacological and surgical management should be instituted.
ImportantIf the physician does not follow the guidelines contained in the standards, he may be held legally responsible. The standards are the basis for an expert opinion, which protects both the patient and the doctor.
New standards of care for a failed pregnant woman
The situation of women who:
- miscarriage
- born dead or unable to live
- gave birth to a child burdened with lethal diseases
- expecting a sick child or a child with birth defects
A woman who learns that she will give birth to a sick or stillborn baby should be given time from staff to familiarize herself with this information. Only after that, further conversation can be resumed, during which the doctor can give details about her he alth condition. If the woman and her family so wish, they will also receive psychological support.
A woman who has lost a child should not be in one of the room with women who have just given birth - these are the new standards of care for a woman after pregnancy failures.
According to the ordinance of the minister of he alth, women after obstetric failures should not stay in one of the rooms with those who have given birth to a he althy child or will soon become mothers. The hospital staff is also to ensure that during the stay in the ward, the patient, after having a stillborn child, does not have constant contact with patients who gave birth to he althy children. Until now, there were no legal regulations in this matter. Some women who had a miscarriage and those who gave birth to a still or sick child were in the same room as new mothers or pregnant women.
Hospital staff should also advise how to register the deceased child with the Registry Office, aalso suggest how to proceed with the maternity leave.
New medical standards to improve the safety of pregnant women with complications