Liver cancer is most often diagnosed in men. Liver cancer is rare in young people. When it is detected at an early stage, surgical treatment allows for complete recovery. What are the causes and symptoms of liver cancer? How is his treatment going?


    1. Liver cancer - different types of cancer
    2. Liver cancer - causes
    3. Liver cancer - symptoms
    4. Liver cancer - diagnosis
    5. Treatment of liver cancer
    6. Liver cancer - prevention

Liver canceris diagnosed in approximately half a million people worldwide each year. Liver tumors are divided into primary (hepatocellular carcinoma, that is carcinoma of the liver or bile ducts) and secondary (tumors caused by metastasis from other organs).

Liver cancer - different types of cancer

Primary carcinoma (hepatocellular carcinoma)is the fifth most common malignant neoplasm and the third most common cause of death from all malignancies. Men are three times more likely to suffer from this form of liver cancer than women.Secondary liver cancerusually develops when the colon and rectum have metastasized. The liver can also be attacked with cancer cells from the lungs, genitourinary system or breasts.

The liver is often compared to a factory that produces the bile needed to digest fat, where food is converted into nutrients (e.g. starch for sugar), where the compounds needed for blood clotting are produced. The liver stores iron, vitamins and energy substances (fats, carbohydrates). The liver removes or neutralizes harmful substances (poisons, drugs, alcohol) that enter our body. When we eat properly, the performance of these functions goes smoothly. But when we eat whatever we eat, overeat, abuse alcohol or medications, trouble arises.

Liver cancer - causes

Most cases of hepatocellular carcinoma occur in people with chronic hepatitis B and C. The risk of contracting the disease increases when a person is infected with two viruses at the same time. Other threats include:

  • congenital hepatopathies
  • fatty liver
  • liver damage with alcohol and nicotine
  • excess iron in the body.

Microcystins, i.e. cyanotic toxins that can enter the body with water or with contaminated food, are also carcinogenic. Swallowed, they enter the liver through the bile duct. Here they settle down and gradually damage its tissues. Aflatoxins, which are present in moldy food, are also dangerous for its cells. The risk of cancer increases with the use of anabolic steroid hormones and in women who take estrogen for a long time.

Liver cancer - symptoms

Disturbing symptoms appear very late, usually in the much advanced stage of hepatocellular carcinoma. Then the patient feels pain on the right side under the ribs, may have a fever, lack of appetite and lose weight. Usually, the circumference of the abdomen also increases, which indicates a developing ascites. Leg swelling, yellowing of the skin, or gastrointestinal bleeding may occur.

There are practically no characteristic symptoms with metastases. The sick person is only significantly weakened. When the tumor is on the edge of the liver, the doctor can palpate it on a palpation of the abdomen. If it is located deeper, it is usually diagnosed accidentally.

Liver cancer - diagnosis

For both liver cancers, the diagnosis is often made by chance, during ultrasound, CT, or MRI - diagnostic tests for other reasons. The confirmation of cancer may also be a special blood test (test) and the presence of an increased concentration of AFP and DCP proteins. It happens that significant liver cirrhosis is an obstacle in the diagnosis of the disease. Marian lesions obscure neoplastic lesions. Therefore, when liver cancer is suspected, liver cancer biopsy is the most reliable diagnostic test.

Treatment of liver cancer

About 90 percent of early cancers can be completely cured, but unfortunately most are found in advanced stages. The larger the tumor, the worse the prognosis.

In the case of hepatocellular carcinoma, if the tumor is small, neoplastic lesions are often surgically excised. The operation is not performed if tests confirm extrahepatic metastases. Another method of fighting this cancer is liver transplantation.

Another type of treatment is chemotherapy, in which cytostatics are administered directly to the liver's arterial system. Radiation therapy cannot be used in liver cancer because the liver does not tolerate such high doses of radiation.

Injection treatment is also possiblealcohol directly to the tumor or using, as complementary methods, cryosurgery (destroying the tumor with temperature down to minus 180oC) or thermoablation (combating the tumor with temperature reaching 65-85oC).

For metastatic tumors, surgery is also performed, but the tumor is removed with a wide margin of he althy tissue. Large metastases are not operated on, only palliative treatment remains.

Liver cancer - prevention

One of the basic methods of protection against hepatocellular carcinoma is to undergo vaccination against hepatitis B. There is no vaccine against hepatitis C, so in order to protect yourself against infection, you should follow the broadly understood rules of hygiene. And in the case of HCV infection, undergo specialized treatment.

It is also important to avoid eating foods of unknown origin, bought in exotic bazaars, that may contain carcinogenic toxins.

You should also significantly reduce your alcohol consumption and stop smoking.

In addition, it is good to do a blood test once a year and the so-called liver tests that will allow you to assess the level of ALAT and AST enzymes - their level indicates the condition of the liver. It is worth remembering that the less toxins in food and air, the he althier the liver is.

"Zdrowie" monthly

About the authorAnna Jarosz A journalist who has been involved in popularizing he alth education for over 40 years. Winner of many competitions for journalists dealing with medicine and he alth. She received, among others The "Golden OTIS" Trust Award in the "Media and He alth" category, St. Kamil awarded on the occasion of the World Day of the Sick, twice the "Crystal Pen" in the national competition for journalists promoting he alth, and many awards and distinctions in competitions for the "Medical Journalist of the Year" organized by the Polish Association of Journalists for He alth.
