Parasitology is a science that studies parasites and parasitism in nature, and the mechanisms involved in parasite-host processes. A parasitologist deals with the diagnosis of parasitic and zoonotic diseases, including exotic ones. Check what tests can be ordered by a parasitologist.
Parasitologyis a science related to particular branches of sciences in the field of biology, medicine, veterinary medicine and agriculture. The beginnings of parasitology date back to the 17th century and concern the study of the morphology, physiology and biology of helminths (these are all groups of parasitic worms).
This field began to expand rapidly at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Thanks to the development of modern research, at the beginning of the 20th century, areas of parasitology were distinguished, such as:
- ecological parasitology
- evolutionary parasitology
- medical parasitology
- general parasitology
- veterinary parasitology
Parasitology - what diseases are diagnosed by a parasitologist?
Symptoms of parasite infestation usually resemble those of influenza or food poisoning, therefore parasite carriers are usually unaware of this. Based on their symptoms, they look for other diseases or simply ignore them.
As time passes, it can be very dangerous to your he alth, as parasites can attack many organs, e.g. intestines, lungs, liver, brain, muscles, joints, heart, uterus, kidneys, bladder, blood vessels , lymph, skin and digestive system.
The most common symptoms include: headache, flatulence, diarrhea, insomnia, increased temperature, muscle pain, joint pain, lack of appetite, nausea, constipation, nail brittleness, skin problems. Chronic parasitic infections can be a source of, among others. asthma, allergies and neurological disorders.
The most common parasitic diseases diagnosed by a parasitologist include:
- tapeworm - diseases caused by various species of tapeworms (unarmed tapeworm, armed tapeworm, echinococcus tapeworm, dwarf tapeworm) living in the digestive system.
- head lice and scabies - parasitic skin diseases
- trichinosis - a severe parasitic disease caused by infection with trichinella
- ascariasis - a parasitic disease of the small intestine, caused by a roundworm
- fasciology -liver fluke parasitic disease
- Lyme disease - disease caused by ticks
- toxoplasmosis - disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii infection
- owisica - parasitic disease of the large intestine, caused by human pinworms
- clonorchosis - a parasitic disease caused by flukes
- staphylococcal infection
The parasitologist also tests for tropical parasitic diseases, including amoebiasis, malaria, leishmaniasis, filariasis, schistosomiasis.
Parasitology - what tests are ordered by a parasitologist?
A parasitologist is a doctor who examines the presence of parasites in the human body. It is worth visiting a parasitologist prophylactically, because at the beginning the symptoms do not necessarily indicate the presence of parasites in our body.
The sooner the appropriate diagnosis is made, the lower the risk to the body is. The basic tests for the presence of parasites in our body are:
- stool test (suspected infection with lamblia, pinworms, tapeworms, amoebiasis, human roundworm)
- serological tests (in the case of Lyme disease and trichinosis)
- ultrasound examination (suspected tapeworm or roundworm infection)
- blood tests (suspected infection with tapeworm, toxoplasm, trichinella)
- examination of the content of the duodenum (suspected vegetative form of lamblia)
- examination of the cerebrospinal fluid or fluid from the anterior chamber of the eye (suspected toxoplasmosis)
- content of skin ulcers (suspected leishmania)
Bioresonance and parasites
Bioresonance therapy involves introducing pathogenic microorganisms (or parasites) into vibrations that cause their breakdown. According to supporters of this method, traditional laboratory methods have great diagnostic limitations and detect their presence only in rare cases. Almost every person subjected to bioresonance testing is diagnosed with various types of worms, amoebas and flukes. Conventional medicine does not recognize this test, therefore it is not recommended for the diagnosis of parasites and other diseases.
Treatment methods used in parasitology
In order to remove parasites from the body, pharmacotherapy is necessary. A parasitologist should prescribe anthelmintics, appropriate to the detected parasitic infection.
An important element in antiparasitic therapy is the use of antihistamines, which help to avoid the shock of the immune system to the treatment.
Another solution to treating parasite infections is the methodusing high-energy, full-spectrum carbon arc light. This light effectively destroys parasites, including tapeworms.
In extreme cases, it is necessary to surgically remove the parasite from the body.
Some people use natural medicine to help get rid of parasites from the body, but it should be noted that there is no scientific evidence confirming the effectiveness of these methods.
The way to get rid of gastrointestinal parasites is to eat freshly shelled pumpkin seeds. Their antiparasitic properties are due to the presence of cucurbitacins.
These are compounds that are toxic to parasites that affect their nervous system. They fight parasites such as: tapeworms, roundworms, pinworms and duodenal hookworms. Garlic is also one of the natural products that fight parasites in the human digestive system.
In the case of treatment, the daily dose of garlic should be 3-5 g. Herbal treatments are also used, which are a composition of herbs: wormwood, centuria, blueberry fruit, chamomile, thyme, hallucinations, hops, St. John's wort, sage and mugwort