Losing weight is a multi-stage process spread over time. Are you trying to lose weight but no diet is working? Perhaps you make mistakes unknowingly while losing weight. A he althy, balanced slimming diet combined with physical activity can work wonders. Don't give up - check out how to avoid eating mistakes.
1. Preparing the body for the diet
The first stepof losing weightshould be cleansing the body. You can do this by entering "smooth" days, for example, every 3 or 4 days for the first 2 weeks. On such days, take only drinks, freshly made juices, soups. As a result, the stomach will shrink a bit and the body will give up the water supply.
But this is just the basis for starting weight loss. You can't stop there, as many women unfortunately often do.
In the next stage (10-12 days from the start of weight loss), the water balance becomes even and the adipose tissue begins to decrease. If you don't notice any weight loss in the next week of weight loss, don't worry. This doesn't mean you aren't losing weight, it's just that your body composition changes - there is less fat and more water in your body.
2. When losing weight, be patient
You have to realize thatslimmingis a multi-stage process spread over time. The point is not to lose a lot of weight quickly, but to lose weight permanently. So it's better to move in small steps, gradually changing your eating habits.
It is best for your he alth to lose half a kilo to a kilo a week. So, if you want to lose 10 kg,slimmingshould take 2.5 to 3 months. You have to spend the same amount on getting out of the diet, which is just as important aslosing weight .
Read also: 7 most common myths about weight loss
3. Balanced diet
A he althy dietconsists of a variety of products. It must contain fruit and vegetables, but also meat (both white, poultry and red - the source of the best digestible iron). The body also needs carbohydrates and even some fat.
But the most important thing is protein. When losing weight, we must provide an exceptionally large amount of it so that the body does not draw energy from burning muscle cells. We need about 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.
Wan ideal diet from fat should come from 30 percent. calories, protein - 15 percent, carbohydrates - 55 percent. (whole grains - vegetables, legumes, whole grain bread, brown rice and pasta, groats). Figuratively speaking: half of the dinner dish is vegetables, 1/4 - meat or fish, the rest - cereal products.
5 mistakes that slow down your weight loss
ImportantWhat is the yo-yo effect
During the period of a low-energy diet, the body slows down metabolic processes. If you start eating a lot again after a few weeks of losing weight, unburned food will be turned into fat and carefully stored as a spare - in case of another period of malnutrition. So you will quickly regain your weight and even exceed it.
4. Losing weight means reducing calories
Slimmingis about reducing the caloric value of meals so that you burn more of them than you eat. However, the correct amount of calories for you should be determined with your doctor or dietitian. We have different needs depending on age, activity, type of work. Everyone also has their own rate of burning and converting food into energy. All this should be taken into account when establishing an individual nutrition program. And you can never reduce the energy of your meals too drastically.
When the number of calories is too low, the body slows down metabolic processes - it does it to save energy. In addition, a long-lasting shortage of calories means that the body begins to draw energy from protein - it begins to "eat" its own cells (mainly muscles). It is assumed that 23 kcal per 1 kg of body weight per day are needed to maintain vital functions. To this you need to add the energy needed for physical and mental activity.
In total, women need 1800-2400 kcal per day and men 2200-3200 kcal (depending on activity). During the diet, we consume less calories than we need, but enough to not disturb the functioning of the body. You can safely reduce the daily dose by about 500 kcal.
You must do itDon't give up if you completely quit your diet one day. After all, there are situations in which it is difficult to remain moderate - lunch at mum's, party with friends, dinner in a restaurant. You can't stop being with people because of your diet! So if you have a mishap, don't break down, just go back to your weight loss the next day as if nothing had happened. Better to forgive yourself and move on than to quit.
5. A positive attitude is the basis of weight loss
Before you start fighting kilograms, ask yourself a few questions.Why do you want to lose weight? Do you just want to wear a bikini and show off on the beach, or is it about a lasting effect, improving your he alth and well-being? How did you lose weight before? Why did you fail? Take one thing as a starting point: there is no miracle diet!
In addition, you have been accumulating unnecessary fat stores for many years - you will not lose it in a few weeks. Therefore, no miracle diets work. Even if they help you lose a few pounds, you will not be able to maintain the effect for a long time if you return to your old eating habits after the diet.
The most important thing in losing weight is a change in the way you think. The first step to successful weight loss is a positive attitude and realizing that you really want it!
6. There is no perfect diet
There is no perfect diet, and there is no one perfect diet. It all depends on the state of he alth, metabolism, but also the type of work performed and current habits. Losing weight must be adapted to your daily schedule, abilities and individual preferences. If you don't like rice, don't force yourself into it, just replace it with something else. If you are used to eating lunch only after you return home, e.g. at 7 p.m., do not force it, just remember to eat small meals at work. You decide about your weight loss. Most importantly, you should understand that this is not a punishment, but a new and better way of life.
7. A slimming diet should be tasty
Diet cannot be a matter of self-mortification. If you eat things that don't suit you at all, you'll quickly get discouraged. And yet the point is to permanently change your eating style. Eating is a pleasure that you don't have to deprive yourself of. Learn to make your food taste good for you. Use herbs, seeds, nuts. Use unusual combinations, diversify meals. Perhaps then you will discover that you like dietary foods more than those you ate before. Also, take into account cravings. Better to sin and eat a piece of cake every now and then than to continue to mortify and deny yourself everything. Too strict a diet will lead you to one day pounce on food without any brakes. So a cube of chocolate will do less damage from time to time.
8. The iron rule of the diet: small portions, more often
The daily amount of calories should be spread over several meals. It is best if you eat 5 times a day, every 3 to 4 hours at the most. You will then avoid a sharp drop in blood glucose (which happens with longer breaks) and the so-called wolf hunger. Eating only 2 hearty meals a day is unacceptable! Eat each meal slowlychewing the bites thoroughly and focusing on the taste. Whoever eats slowly eats less. The brain only after about 15 minutes receives a signal that the hunger has already been satisfied. The dishes from which you eat are also important. Choose rather small plates, you will load yourself less. Get up from the table feeling slightly unsatisfied. Avoid trying what you cook, don't eat leftovers. These are iron rules that you should incorporate into your lifestyle once and for all.
9. Increasing physical activity
Diet is the basis of weight loss, but without increasing physical activity, it will be difficult for you. Even the best diet will do nothing if the cells do not receive the right amount of oxygen. The body processes the ingredients supplied to it only when it has oxygen - and the more it receives, the faster it burns.
If you walk 1.5 km in a normal step, you will lose 150-200 kcal. Regular exercise will not only accelerate the burning of calories, but also affect your well-being. If you haven't exercised before, start with 20-minute doses 3 times a week. Gradually increase your training to 45-60 minutes. This can be, for example, swimming, cycling, aerobics. Choose what will give you the greatest pleasure.
10. Slowly exiting the diet
Losing weight is only half the battle. It is not difficult to stick to a diet for several weeks. You still have to maintain a lower weight after it is finished. That is why it is so important to exit the diet slowly.
This is a gradual increase in calories. During the first 2-3 weeks, increase the caloric content of meals by 100 kcal. It can be, for example, an additional portion of rice or groats for dinner or yoghurt for breakfast. In total, for approx. 3 months after the end of the proper diet, try to eat about 300 kcal less than your individual daily norm.
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