Fat Thursday not only in diets raises dilemmas. Because you would eat a donut, and not one, but what about the calories? Fortunately, on Fat Thursday you don't need to gain weight - see examples of exercises that will help you burn excess calories and avoid the negative consequences of carnival gluttony.
There is an old superstition that not eating a donut inFat Thursdaycan result in unhappiness in your entire next life. In such a situation, the more difficult it is to give up. However, don't worry - we can afford to taste carnival sweets. It is just a matter of moderation, otherwise it will be difficult for us to burn the calories supplied to the body in such a short time.
- The energy value of an average size marmalade donut is 300 kcal. What do you have to do to burn them? For example, run for 40 minutes or perform the well-known fitness burpee exercise for 35 minutes - explains Michał Kowalski, trainer of the CityFit club network.
How long will it take you to burn the calories from one donut?
- 12 minutes of climbing stairs
- 30 minutes of ice skating
- 50 minutes of vacuuming
- 60 minutes of carpet beating
- 60 minutes of sex
- 75 minutes of brisk walk
- 120 minutes of passionate kissing
- 150 minutes on the phone
- 180 minutes of bathing
- 180 minutes of washing
- 300 minutes driving
- 600 minutes of TV viewing without snacks
See also: How to burn 100, 300, 500 and 1000 kcal? Examples of exercise and activity
Donuts - to eat or not to eat?
The amount of calories contained in a donut - especially when accompanied by information about physical activity necessary to burn them - seems frightening, but it is worth adding that the omelette has exactly the same caloric value. But why don't the calories in an omelette seem as terrible as the calories in a donut, which is less fat?
All because of the lack of nutritional value. The donut contains a negligible amount of protein, but a lot of sugar, which increases the level of insulin in the blood. Our body stores the extra dose of sugar in the form of adipose tissue - insulin is responsible for accelerating the process of its storage. Moreover, immediately after eating a donutwe will feel good, but soon we will fall into a small psychological depression, caused by a rapid drop in sugar levels, neutralized by insulin.
So, or not eat donuts? Of course to eat! If we buy good-quality donuts from a proven source, we are unlikely to find artificial substances in them that would improve their appearance, taste or smell.
There should be no antioxidants, preservatives or stabilizers in them. It is definitely better to reach for a donut than shop sweets in foil and wrapping paper full of harmful ingredients.
Then watch out for supermarket donuts - they often contain a lot of leavening agents, preservatives and hardened fats. Therefore, whenever you buy donuts in large retail chains, pay attention to the ingredients.

Exercises that will help you burn calories from donuts immediately
And if we get carried away by the madness of Fat Thursday, how long will it take us to burn 300 calories? In separate tables, we present specific exercises and the time in which you will be able to burn calories per donut. We provide average data for men and women separately.
Woman - weight approx. 60 kg
Type of training | Duration |
crossfit | 30 min |
running - 10 km / h | 30 min |
running 8 km / h | 40 min |
jogging | 40 min |
skipping rope | 40 min |
cycling (moderate effort) | 40 min |
aerobics | 50 min |
pilates | 50 min |
swimming | 50 min |
spinning (riding a stationary bike) | 60 min |
elliptical exercise | 60 min |
yoga | 75 min |
brisk march | 75 min |
Man - weight approx. 90 kg
Type of training | Duration |
crossfit | 20 min |
running - 10 km / h | 20 min |
running - 8 km / h | 25 min |
skipping rope | 25 min |
cycling (moderate effort) | 25 min |
jogging | 30 min |
aerobics | 35 min |
pilates | 35 min |
swimming | 35 min |
spinning (riding a stationary bike) | 40 min |
elliptical exercise | 40 min |
yoga | 50 min |
brisk march | 50 min |
BMI Calculator
womanmankidincorrect dataMandatory fieldMandatory fieldChild's BMIWe use BMI standards for adults.To check the correct weight (as well as height and head circumference) of children up to 18 years of age, percentile grids are used to determine whether the child grows proportionally to age.Check the percentile grids
How to reduce the caloric content of donuts?
The fats are responsible for the calorific value of the donuts - these round sweets are prepared only with lard. However, donut donut uneven and some will be less caloric than others. A more "light" version of a donut is the one without jam, marmalade, plum jam or pudding filling. We can also choose a version without icing or sugar-powdered. If we do not want to completely give up these tasty enhancers on a fat Thursday, let's choose the either-or option: if a donut with a filling, then without icing, and if with frosting, then without any filling.
The he althiest version of a donut is the homemade one with a rosehip filling, and the worst one is the one that is bought in large stores, full of filling and icing.
The article uses press materials from the CityFit fitness network.