Short-wave diathermy is a method of electrotherapy that uses low and medium power impulse currents or direct current - harmless to humans, and stimulates the immune system. Carefully selected doses of electricity mobilize the body's natural defense and repair mechanisms. Inflammation treatment is faster.
Short-wave diathermyisa physical therapy treatmentconsisting in the production of heat inside tissues by means of an electric or magnetic field. Electrodes are applied to the area undergoing rehabilitation, and the flowing current heats up, relieves pain and relaxes. The treatment takes 5-20 minutes.
Diathermy: indications
- osteoarthritis of the joints and spine
- rheumatoid arthritis
- post-traumatic changes
- wound treatment
- neuralgia and inflammation of the nerves
- frostbite
- pneumonia
- enthesopathies (painful lesions of the tendon attachments of the muscles to the skeleton)
- endocrine dysfunction of the ovaries
- chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis
- cystitis
Diathermy: contraindications
Contraindications to diathermy are:
- cancer
- circulatory disorders
- tuberculosis
- gastric and duodenal ulcers
- bleeding
- inflammation
- purulent otitis media
- cholecystitis
- puffiness
- thrombophlebitis
- varicose veins
- metal implants, pacemaker
Diathermy is not used during pregnancy, menstruation and in children.
How to prepare for diathermy treatment?
A referral is needed. The body should be dry, you need to take off damp underwear, e.g. if you sweat. Remove all metal items: clips and watches, etc.
What is the cost of the procedure?
Use a series of up to 15 treatments. One treatment costs PLN 10.
ImportantHow does diathermy work?
- dilates blood vessels
- increases arterial blood flow
- speeds up metabolic processes
- accelerates cellular transformationmatter
- increases the number of leukocytes in overheated tissues
- reduces neuromuscular excitability
- relieves pain