The methods for soreness will allow you to get rid of specific pain that usually occurs the day after intense physical exertion. It is worth trying them out to relax tense muscles and forget about pain for a while. Check how to get rid of soreness.
Leavenis a condition that is commonly incorrectly equated with the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles (hence the name). It is true that lactic acid is a byproduct of metabolism and accumulates in the muscles due to oxygen deficiency, but it is not the cause of this specific muscle pain that occurs the next day (or even 72 hours) after intense training. Lactic acid is flushed out of the muscle tissue by the flowing blood after about an hour (maximum two) after intense exercise.
Hence, when we talk about soreness, we really mean delayed onset muscle soreness ).
Soreness is caused by microdamage to musclesthat were not prepared for intense stretching, and can bother 5-7 days. This is the correct process - during this time the muscles not only regenerate, but also get stronger.
How to avoid soreness?
There are two basic rules of training that can save you from soreness if you follow them.
Warm up before each training session
The best way to avoid soreness is to do a warm-up before training. During the initial exercises, the body temperature rises, and so does the muscle temperature. Warmed up muscles are more flexible and therefore less prone to microdamages that cause pain.
Before a general development workout, a 5-10 minute warm-up is enough. This can be, for example, running while standing or a short stride on an elliptical cross trainer, stepper or stationary bike. Plus, join the rompers, the circles for your shoulders, hips, wrists and ankles to get all your joints used to work.
Grade effort
Gradually increasing the training load can prevent soreness. This is especially important for beginners. If you haven't moved in weeks, start with light cardio and basic exercises without any equipment such as crunches, squats, and push-ups.They will get your muscles used to the effort. Do not turn on the additional weight until after 2-3 weeks of pre-training.
If, despite the warm-up and light exercises, your soreness appears anyway, try some proven methods that will alleviate the unpleasant pain.
Methods for sourdough: cherry juice
According to a study by scientists from the University of Vermont in Burlington, which was published in 2006 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, cherry juice, drunk before intense training, is effective in relieving specific muscle pain, commonly called sourdoughs. People who drank cherry juice before exercise rated their pain intensity at an average of 2.4, while those who drank apple juice rated it at an average of 3.2. In addition, after the cherry juice, the pain started to ease as early as 24 hours after exercise, and after the apple juice, it increased for the next 48 hours. Therefore, it does not hurt to reach for cherry juice after training.
According to researchers, cherries have their beneficial properties thanks to the content of flavonoids and anthocyanins - compounds with strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreWays to sore: sauna
The high temperature in the sauna will relax your stretched muscles and reduce the soreness after training. In addition, a visit to the sauna improves circulation and oxygenates the body, which makes you more relaxed. Remember, however, thatnever enter the sauna immediately after finishing the exercise ! After the exercises, the body is warmed up and tired, so it needs to cool down - a visit to a hot room will only weaken it, because it will increase the pulse and pressure rapidly. Before you go to the sauna, wait at least a dozen or so hours.
Ways for soreness: swimming pool
Wedge with wedge. The way to get rid of soreness after exercise is to exercise differently, preferably swimming in the pool. As people who have tried this method to get rid of soreness argue, the pain disappears after swimming several lengths of the pool. All thanks to the fact that water helps to relax and loosen tense muscles. In addition, while swimming, the muscles adapt to the loads. According to doctors, continuing light exercise is the besta way to sore.
Don't do that1. Don't drink beer, it doesn't help with sourdough
Beer as a way for sourdough? This theory is not confirmed by any scientific research. Even if this method of soreness worked for someone, it was probably due to the placebo effect. Beer after physical exertion can only waste effort put into exercise, because it is caloric.
2. Do not do intensive training on the second day
Intensive exercise will additionally weaken the strained muscles and cause further microdamages. After this exercise, you will not want to go back to exercise for the next few days. Light, moderate cardio exertion, such as cycling or jogging, is another matter - recreational training can help to ease sore muscles faster.
3. Do not take painkillers
After taking the pill, yes, the pain will go away - but the soreness will remain. You will think your muscles have regenerated, so you will start training intensively again. When the drug stops working, your symptoms will only worsen.
Treats for soreness: shower
Take a shower with alternating cold and warm water jets. Such a water massage will relax sore muscles and accelerate their regeneration. All because the blood vessels dilate when the body is poured alternately with winter and warm water, so the blood can reach the damaged tissues faster and nourish them, which will contribute to faster relief of soreness.
Remedies for soreness: hot bath
A hot bath, like an alternating shower, only brings relief for a while, but it is still worth warming up the muscles in warm water to help them regenerate. Add sea s alt or an aromatic oil such as lavender to the water.
See also: Exercise colic - how is it formed and how to prevent colic during training?
Ways to treat soreness: massage
A gentle massage will relieve pain and relax tense muscles. You can make it with an essential oil, which will enhance its relaxing effect. It is also a good idea to massage a warming ointment or gel into the area of leaven.
Worth knowingTo avoid soreness, eat a protein-rich and carbohydrate-rich meal after each workout. These are the ingredients necessary for the regeneration and growth of muscle tissue. Take them within an hour of the end of exercise - time is crucial here, because the faster the nutrients reach the muscles, the faster the damage will rebuild.
A good idea for a post-workout meal is a cocktail - thanks to the liquid form it is quickly absorbed by the body, and additionallyit is done in no time.
Remedies for sourdough: medications and ointments
According to specialists, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as specialized gels and ointments for muscle pain, should bring relief.
Remedies for soreness: cold shower and wraps
Cold, like heat, can have a healing effect on the body. Some people advise that instead of warming up a sore body, take a cold shower or a quick cold water bath. Relief should also bring a cooling gel to the sore spot.
Home remedies for soreness
- tea with a bit of baking soda (supposedly has deacidifying properties);
- tomato juice (helps replenish electrolytes);
- isotonic drink - home made of water, lemon juice, a pinch of s alt and a little honey replenishes electrolytes and prevents painful cramps;
- a warm compress applied to the sore spot.