Slimming cocktails can actually make you lose weight, but this is a short-term effect. All because after returning to a normal diet, the body can gain weight with doubled strength. Cocktails can actually lose weight, as long as they are one of the elements of a reduction diet and contain, for example, ingredients supporting fat burning, and are not its basis. What products are worth using for making cocktails?
Many people, tempted by advertising ready-madeslimming cocktails , believe that thanks to them they will lose weight faster and thus achieve their dream figure in a shorter time. This is not entirely true, because a restrictive diet based only on cocktails quickly ends with the yo-yo effect, and drinking ready-made mixtures often does not satisfy all the nutritional values that we should get from food. However, using them correctly can help you reduce weight.
Weight reduction - common mistakes
To lose weight, we need to lower our daily caloric intake. However, we cannot suddenly cut our diet by 1000 kcal, because it will have the opposite effect from the intended one, i.e. it will slow down our metabolism.
An organism that experiences a sudden and pronounced caloric deficit will start to save the energy it already has, so it will reduce the metabolic rate and reduce body fat reduction.
So there may be a situation in which discouraged with the result of the diet - because our weight will not drop as quickly as we expected and we will return to old eating habits, and then the yo-yo effect will appear. This will be the result of an excess of calories while your body is acting in starvation mode.
Reduced metabolism plus a caloric surplus will result in a rapid build-up of body fat.
The most common mistakes on a reducing diet are:
- restrictive food restriction,
- fasting,
- significant cutting of calories in the diet combined with intense training,
- a diet that does not meet basic nutritional values.
How correctly should weight reduction be carried out?
A slimming diet should always be carried out under the supervision of a dietitian. Only then can we be sure that we will not hurt ourselves, and the end of the weight loss periodwill not be synonymous with a return to the old weight.
Thanks to the help of a specialist, we will not lead to nutritional deficiencies and we will not make our daily menu run out of good-quality fats or proteins necessary for many important life processes.
In addition, the dietitian will help us calculate the appropriate daily dose of calories for us, which, for example, will not cause thyroid disorders (as is the case with too strict diets) or will not lead to secondary amenorrhea in women.
If we do not want to use the help of a specialist, we must know that a he althy weight loss is one that is in the range from 0.5 to 1 kg per week (depending on the excess weight). More weight loss is bad for your he alth and often results in a yo-yo effect.
In order to achieve a sustainable weight loss, we need to make some calculations. First of all, we should calculate our Basic Metabolic Rate (PPM).
It is the lowest level of energy changes that allows you to maintain basic life functions, including heartbeat or respiratory system. PPM can be calculated on a calculator placed on many websites. All you need to do is enter your height, weight, age and gender to get the correct result.
PPM is not the end of calculations, however. For example, if you are a woman in the 30s, you are 160 cm tall and 60 kg, your PPM is 1289 kcal. However, it is not enough for you to function, move around, and perform all household and social duties. So you need to add the level of your daily activity to the PPM, so multiply the PPM by the appropriate PAL factor. This can be done again on a special calculator.
Then it turns out that with low physical activity and height 160 cm and weight 60 kg, you should consume about 1800 kcal per day. If you want a he althy weight loss rate, you shouldn't cut your caloric intake by more than 500 kcal.
When you want to introduce physical activity, especially strength training, do not lower your caloric value by more than 300 kcal per day.
Slimming cocktails and the reduction diet
Slimming cocktails, as already mentioned, can help reduce our body weight, provided that they are woven into a reduction diet and allow us to replace one of the 4 meals on the diet.
Thanks to cocktails, we can deliver many nutrients in one meal, in particular vitamins and minerals that we would not be able to fit in other dishes.
First of all, we can add difficult algae to mixed vegetables or fruitsmix with any other dish so as not to spoil its taste. Algae have a very positive effect on metabolism and are extremely desirable on a slimming diet.
In the cocktail, we can also smuggle chia seeds or linseed - sources of essential fatty acids supporting lipid metabolism, or psyllium - a source of fiber that will make you satiety faster after a meal.
Ingredients that should be used to prepare slimming cocktails
Aloe is a succulent with numerous he alth properties. The very fact that it contains numerous vitamins, including: A, C, F, choline, folic acid, B vitamins and minerals such as: sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, chromium, iron, magnesium - makes it worthwhile add it to cocktails, as it replenishes the deficiencies of many nutrients (and there are deficiencies on a reduction diet).
In addition, it contains numerous enzymes that improve digestion and improve the breakdown of fat and sugar.
Studies on mice have shown that aloe gel can significantly reduce blood glucose levels in obese individuals and thus normalize its concentration. In addition, it facilitates the release of insulin from the pancreas.
Lowering glucose levels reduces the risk of insulin resistance - a condition that is one of the causes of visceral (abdominal) obesity. Insulin resistance makes it difficult to lose weight many times, so substances that have a normalizing effect on the sugar balance will indirectly contribute to weight loss in people with insulin resistance.
Recipe for a sample aloe slimming cocktail:
- 1 glass of water
- ½ raw cucumber peeled and sliced
- 1 peeled kiwi split into particles
- 2 cups of finely chopped spinach leaves
- 1 teaspoon of honey
- ½ glasses of aloe vera juice
Put all ingredients in a blender and crush until smooth. Drink enjoying the dehydrating effect of cucumber to reduce excess water in the body; from a real vitamin C bomb, i.e. kiwi; made of spinach, which supports cleansing the body, and aloe, which balances the sugar balance and facilitates slimming.
Algae are algae that occur in the aquatic environment. The most popular of these are spirulina and chlorella. They have numerous detoxifying properties, therefore they are often recommended for cleansing the body, especially of heavy metals.
Algae contain a lot of nutrients beneficial for humans, so similarly to aloe - when added to slimming cocktails, they help to even outnutritional deficiencies caused by a diet with a reduced amount of calories.
For example, spirulina contains as much as 65-71% of protein, and in addition chlorophyll, fatty acids, vitamins: B1, B2, B6, E, K, A, numerous phytochemicals and enzymes, GLA acid, sulfur, antioxidants and polysaccharides.
The use of algae on a reducing diet makes sense, because the fiber contained in them improves digestion and allows you to reduce the absorption of calories. In addition, it has been proven that if you take them before meals (specifically sodium alginate, i.e. a gel obtained from brown algae), then the amount of calories consumed can be reduced by up to 7%. Algae also intensify lipolysis, i.e. fat breakdown, and normalize blood glucose levels (similarly to aloe, they help people with insulin resistance lose weight).
Recipe for a cocktail with algae:
- 1 teaspoon of spirulina
- a handful of parsley
- 2 oranges
- ripe mango
Mango cut into small pieces and squeeze the juice out of the orange. Chop the parsley and put all the ingredients in the dish to blanch them. Add a teaspoon of spirulina and blend everything until smooth.
Guarana is another substance that can be successfully added to slimming cocktails. It is a plant native to South and Central America. Thanks to the high dose of caffeine, it has stimulating properties. Caffeine also influences better blood flow and intensifies lipolysis. However, what is responsible for the slimming properties of guarana is its ability to stimulate the expansion of brown adipose tissue.
Everyone has white and brown adipose tissue. White is responsible for storing energy, while brown is for generating heat and converting fat into energy. With age, the amount of brown tissue decreases, so the induction of its expansion caused by guarana may help in the process of losing unnecessary kilograms.
Studies in rats show that it also prevents insulin resistance and weight gain.
Guarana cocktail recipe:
- 1 cup of plant-based milk (can be soy, oat, almond)
- 1 glass of still water
- a handful of goji berries
- ½ glasses of raspberries
- ½ teaspoons of guarana
- 1 teaspoon chia seeds
Psyllium plantain
Psyllium plantain is a very good source of vegetable fiber. This type of fiber prevents constipation as it accelerates intestinal peristalsis. Since it is not digested and absorbed in the digestive system, it is a ballast that facilitates defecation.
Besides, fiberPsyllium contained in plantain significantly reduces the absorption of fat from food, accelerates metabolism and is responsible for the regulation of appetite.
It also balances the carbohydrate metabolism and reduces the overall level of cholesterol. All these properties mean that adding psyllium plantain to cocktails can aid weight loss.
Recipe for a slimming cocktail with psyllium plantain:
- glass of water
- lemon juice
- a handful of fresh spinach
- 1 cooked beetroot
- 2 tablespoons psyllium
- 1 apple
Peel the apple and cut it into small pieces. Chop the spinach and slice the beetroot. Put it all in a blender. Add water, squeeze the juice from half a lemon, add 2 tablespoons of psyllium plantain and blend.