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With the beginning of the year, many of us take up new challenges, most often related to New Year's resolutions. The most popular ones include shedding a few pounds. However, when it comes to losing weight and losing weight, there is a lot of contradictory information that can stand in the way of your dream goal. We dispel 10 widespread myths.

Many people take in more calories than normal during the holiday season, putting on weight during this time. This is nothing extraordinary.

January is a time of change and many people focus on activities aimed at improving he alth, including weight loss. With this in mind, we discuss some common misconceptions.

Here are 10 common myths about diet and weight loss

1. Skipping breakfast helps with weight loss

The saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day may or may not be true, but it seems unlikely that skipping your morning meal will help you lose weight.

The rationale behind this strategy is that skipping one meal leads to a lower daily caloric intake. It doesn't work that way.

One study looked at data from people who did not eat breakfast in childhood and adulthood, with data from people who never skipped their first meal or did so until adulthood.

Analyzes showed that participants who dropped out of breakfast in both childhood and adulthood tended to have higher waistlines, higher fasting insulin levels, and higher total cholesterol levels.

Scientists have found that skipping breakfast is more closely related to being overweight than alcohol consumption or inactivity.

2. Fat Burning Products Can Help You Lose Weight

Some foods are referred to as "fat burners". It sounds too good to be true, and it probably is.

Some say that, among others pineapple, ginger, onion, avocado, asparagus, celery, chili, broccoli, green tea and garlic are foods that speed up the body's metabolism, thus helping you burn fat.

There is little scientific evidence to prove this to be the case.

3. Weight loss supplements can help

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports thatHundreds of products that are sold as dietary supplements actually contain hidden active ingredients found in prescription drugs that have been recalled or compounds that have not been adequately tested in humans. Some of them can be especially dangerous.

4. Snacking will not help you lose weight

Snacking is considered the main sin of dieters. However, in some cases, it can help you manage your caloric intake more effectively. What matters is not so much snacking as what you eat. Some people eat celery and others cookies, some people eat because they are hungry, and others because they are bored.

For example, eating a piece of fruit or low-fat yogurt between meals can reduce your cravings for food by stopping you from overeating at me altimes or reaching for a more caloric snack.

5. No treats allowed

That's not true. Of course, reducing the amount of sweet, high-fat treats is important, but eliminating them entirely is unnecessary and could be counterproductive.

Denying yourself all the products you like won't work. Eventually you will succumb to temptation and give up your efforts. There is nothing wrong with indulging in a treat every now and then. It's important to do this wisely.

6. Some sugars are he althier than others

Rumor has it that minimally processed sugars, such as those in maple syrup or honey, are he althier than white sugar. In fact, our bodies process sugar in the same way - regardless of its source. The intestine reduces all sugars to simple sugars.

7. You have to give up sugar completely

A person who wants to lose weight does not have to ruthlessly limit sugar in his diet. As with all products, moderation is the key.

8. Artificial sweeteners are he althy

Many people choose low calorie sweeteners such as aspartame to lower their sugar intake. This may reduce the number of calories you eat, but some studies have linked artificial sweeteners to weight gain.

9. You can target fat in specific areas

Often, people who are focused on slimming want to get rid of excess fat from certain areas, such as the thighs or stomach. In fact, it is not possible. Each organism reacts differently to weight loss and we cannot choose which part of the body will be eliminated in the first place.

10. "This fashionable diet is perfect"

Huge masses of diets have become fashionable just to disappear intooblivion, making room for more. Newer and newer diets limit nutrient intake, can be unhe althy, and usually fail in the long run.

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