Crossfit for kids came to us straight from the United States, where the American version of "crossfit for kids" makes a real sensation. Adults "play" in the gyms with shifting loads, and children? The youngest do it during creative activities and games invented by the instructors, such as platform jumps, pole flips, and ropes. Sounds like a paradise for kids and parents? Because it is! Check what crossfit for children is all about, what are the contraindications and advantages of this form of exercise.
Crossfit classes are usually associated with too much intensity and heavy objects thrown from one corner to the other. This is quite unfair, because crossfit is really based on functional training of the whole body - that is, using and strengthening the correct human movement patterns. That is why your child should take advantage of the benefits of CrossFit for Kids.
Your child in the training box will feel like on a playground, but with the difference that he will be under the care of a qualified instructor who will take care of his safety. There are also not many significant contraindications to taking part in crossfit classes for children, so almost anyone willing can try their hand at this great activity!
Crossfit for kids - what is it about?
Crossfit classes for children consist of fitness exercises that are supposed to increase the speed, coordination and flexibility of the child. For this, equipment typical for crossfit is used, but in the version for the youngest, such as poles, ropes, boxes and plates. Customary activities are conducted in such a way that each child is busy with something individual, but with a large number of participants, children are divided into groups.
Having fun in crossfit for kids is all about fun! In order to organize it, the instructors come up with contests, competitions and various interesting competitions for children. All this so that the child can have fun, learn he althy competition and increase their motor skills.
Each crossfit class for children begins with a warm-up, then goes to functional training, then to the main part - a bit more intense, and the whole workout ends with stretching.
Exercises in crossfit classes are selected according tothe age of our child. In the youngest, activities based on lifting heavy objects and exercises that load the spine and skeleton are abandoned. These activities are replaced by interesting games and activities to increase the body's motor skills and use the child's natural movement patterns.
For older participants, much more demanding workouts are prepared, which resemble crossfit training for adults. Of course, the loads and intensity of the exercises are much smaller, but still, the classes will surely satisfy every young crossfit fan.
Age breakdownCrossfit classes for children are dedicated to both toddlers and teenagers. Children who can attend these remarkable physical activities should be from 3 to 18 years old. The most common age distribution in crossfit classes for kids is as follows:
- children aged 3 to 6
- children aged 7-12
- adolescents aged 13 to 18
Crossfit for kids - exercise goal
The aim of crossfit activities for children is to teach them how to properly perform basic physical exercises and adopt the correct body posture during various activities. What's more, the classes improve the overall motor skills of the child - they increase its strength, endurance and flexibility.
Crossfit for kids is also about learning how to compete, compete and work in a group. In children's boxes, the emphasis is on cooperation, supporting and helping others. This means that these types of activities for the youngest develop good social models in them from an early age and have a great impact on their emotional efficiency.
And finally, crossfit for children is a break from all sports routine and break with boredom and predictability! Here, every class is different, and children have the opportunity to go wild and get rid of negative emotions.
Crossfit for kids - benefits of exercise
The advantages of corssfit for children can be summarized in the following points:
- minimal risk of injury
- more motivation to move
- positive effect on the entire motor system of the child
- correcting posture errors and incorrect movement patterns
- learning discipline
- no boredom and schematic
- feeling of belonging to a group
- integration with peer group
- teamwork
- making new friends and learning to function among peers
- great fun, similar to the one on the playground
There are no serious contraindications fortake part in crossfit activities for children. Any child with at least minimal mobility and good he alth can take part in the classes. Crossfit for kids is characterized by the fact that even if the child is initially unable to perform an exercise correctly, these classes are just for them to learn it.
This means that anyone willing can successfully try their hand at crossfit, if they do not suffer from any serious he alth condition related to the skeletal, muscular or nervous system. However, it is worth remembering that if our child suffers from any troublesome disease or he alth condition, only a qualified and competent doctor may decide to participate in crossfit for kids.
What to look for when signing up your child for crossfit?
Before deciding on specific crossfit classes for your child, we should pay attention to a few important issues. The most important thing is to choose the right trainer and the group to which our toddler will go.
During the classes, the trainer is the guardian of our child and it is he / she who is responsible for ensuring his / her safety. It must be a qualified person with a good approach to children as well as patient, responsible and creative. Crossfit classes for children must be great fun, above all, so that the children can have enough fun in the training boxes.
However, it is worth remembering that fun cannot outweigh the safety of our children. The crossfit hall has a lot of elements and sports equipment that children should not use without the supervision of a trainer. Therefore, the trainer or tutor of classes should be a person experienced enough in what he does to conduct classes effectively and watch over the safety of the whole group.
The group to which we enroll the child should not be too large for us to be sure that the trainer will take care of our child sufficiently. If the group is quite large, it is worth checking whether two or three tutors are leading crossfit classes in such a situation. In such a situation, it is much easier for the safety of children and satisfying, well-organized fun.