Ecstasy (MDMA) is a drug popular with so-called "Sunday drug addicts" - people who only use psychoactive substances on weekends, often when going to a club or to a concert. Ecstasy (aka pills, pixels, drops) is not as toxic as "hard" drugs, but it can be very dangerous for people with cardiovascular problems - in some cases one tablet is enough to lead to a collapse and, consequently, death. Learn more about the effects and side effects of ecstasy (MDMA).
- Ecstasy: what is it?
- Ecstasy: appearance and serving
- Ecstasy: action
- Ecstasy: symptoms of use
- Ecstasy: effects of taking
- Ecstasy: addiction
Ecstasy: what is it?
Ecstasy stands for 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) - an organic chemical compound first synthesized in 1912 in the laboratories of the German company Merck. In the 1970s, ecstasy began to be used by psychologists who gave it to their patients as a means of showing affection. Due to its psychedelic and euphoric properties, the use of ecstasy for therapeutic purposes was soon banned. The substance, however, gained popularity among the visitors of clubs, discos and music festivals.
MDMA is now considered a "party" and social drug - because its main effect is to increase empathy and a sense of unity with other people. In addition, it has properties that sharpen the senses and intensify the experience of emotions.
Ecstasy: appearance and serving
Ecstasy most often takes the form of small, round, colorful tablets with an embossed logo - eg crocodile, heart, clover, crown, butterfly, etc. They resemble powdery candies. Different types have their own names, e.g. Adam, Eva, Alligator, Batman, Herz, Love, Mitsubishi, Snowball, Superman, UFO.
As a rule, one pill is enough to feel euphoric. The tablet is swallowed whole, crushed or crushed and dissolved in a drink. Sniffing is much less practiced due to the bitter, acrid taste of the substance and the irritation of the mucous membranes it can cause. The drug starts working after about 30-45 minutes after administration, but it sometimes happensthat you have to wait longer, even 1-2 hours to feel the effects.
Today, most ecstasy tablets on the market contain multiple fillers in addition to MDMA, or less commonly, other drugs, such as amphetamines. In this way, dealers increase their profits, but at the same time the toxicity of the pills and the associated risk of poisoning increase. One tablet costs about PLN 15-35, although the prices fluctuate.
Ecstasy: action
MDMA is a derivative of amphetamine and mescaline, combining the properties of both of these substances - on the one hand it acts as a stimulant, which makes it similar to amphetamine, on the other hand it has psychedelic properties like mescaline. The total duration of action of the drug is 2-4 hours, but it can extend up to 6
The subjective feelings of ecstasy are:
- feeling of unity with other people, willingness to show friendly feelings, "love" to the world;
- joy, bliss, euphoria;
- mental and physical agitation, a sense of inner strength, energy, lack of fatigue (symptoms intensify if the tablet also contained amphetamines);
- decreased appetite;
- specific perception of auditory stimuli: the feeling of "flowing" music, deeper perception of it (especially electronic genres such as techno, trance, house, rave, etc.);
- "blurry" vision;
- enhanced tactile sensation;
- sexual arousal.
On the second day after taking the drug, a hangover appears, i.e. withdrawal symptoms: depressed mood (associated with a sharp decrease in serotonin), drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, irritability, decreased concentration. These ailments may persist for up to 2 days.
This will be useful to youFor many years it has been believed that taking ecstasy destroys nerve cells, causing irreversible changes to the way the brain works. In 2011, researchers from Harvard Medical School found that there is no evidence that ecstasy is harmful to the nervous system .
This does not mean, however, that the substance is safe - ingesting it always carries a huge risk, as illegally trafficked tablets often contain toxic fillers. They can increase the harmful effects of MDMA on the heart and overload the circulatory system, leading to its failure.
Source:Ecstasy does not wreck the mind, study claims , "The Guardian" 02/19/2011, https: //
Ecstasy: symptoms of use
After consuming ecstasy, there is a series of things in the bodyphysiological changes. Some can only be felt by the person under the influence of the drug, others are visible to those around them.
The subjective symptoms of the body include:
- elevated body temperature,
- increased pressure,
- palpitations,
- dry mouth, constant urge to lick your lips,
- chattering or grinding teeth,
- excessive sweating,
- nausea and vomiting.
A person under the influence of a drug can be recognized by observing the following symptoms:
- enlarged pupils,
- verbosity,
- hyperactivity and lack of motor coordination,
- irrational behavior,
- "wagging" with my lips,
- closed eyelids.
After Viagra was launched, it became fashionable to combine the blue pill with ecstasy. Such a mixture, calledsextasyin drug slang, is supposed to enhance the sexual experience.
Sextasy is doubly dangerous because both its substances - sildenafil (the main ingredient in Viagra) and MDMA - increase blood pressure. Mixing them together may result in a sudden increase in blood pressure and, consequently, a heart attack.
Ecstasy: effects of taking
Side effects may occur after an ecstasy overdose, which usually occurs after taking more than 3 tablets or less than 2.5 hours between doses. It happens, however, that side effects appear after taking one dose of the drug - people with cardiovascular problems are especially exposed to them.
Symptoms of MDMA overdose are:
- so-called Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome including sudden drop in blood pressure, rise in body temperature, convulsions, coma (the most dangerous effect of ecstasy use, usually leads to death);
- tachycardia,
- ventricular fibrillation,
- psychosis and delusions,
- confusion and slurred speech,
- dehydration of the body.
The risk of side effects increases when combining ecstasy with other psychoactive substances, including alcohol, amphetamines, marijuana, and cocaine.
Ecstasy: addiction
There is no evidence that ecstasy is physically addictive. However, it is a substance that may induce a psychological compulsion to take subsequent doses in order to improve well-being. Addiction develops faster in people who do not keep at least a 6-week break between "trips". 6 weeks is the minimum time it takes for the brain to regain its serotonin levels.
ImportantEcstasy like teddy bears and bows - especially dangerous for children
Unfortunately, the drug market is booming and more and more dangerous versions of the drug appear on it. You can buy ecstasy-derived remedies that look like candy - in the shape of teddy bears, bows or butterflies. This poses a particular risk, especially for children - in September 2022, a 9-year-old girl with symptoms of consumption of psychoactive substances was admitted to a hospital in Krakow. Most likely, it was just such a drug in a candy. Therefore, the caution of parents, teachers and school principals is especially important.
Source: Police in Dąbrowa Tarnowska

Additional topic studies
M. Collin,An altered state of consciousness: the history of ecstasy and acid house culture , Warsaw 2006.
B. Szukalski,Ecstasy (MDMA) and methamphetamine , "Alcoholism and drug addiction" 1999, vol. 12, no. 4 ( /4/AiN_4-1999-02.pdf).
B. Szukalski,Drugs: a compendium of knowledge about addictive substances , Warsaw 2005.