Noroviruses are microbes that cause stomach flu, just like rotaviruses. Noroviruses are even more virulent than rotaviruses. If you want to avoid stomach flu, you must strictly follow the rules of hygiene. Learn the basics of noroviruses.
Noroviruses(NoV, formerly Norwalk or Norwalk-like viruses) belong to the group of ssRNA viruses from the calicivirus family ( Caliciviridae ) and cause viral infections of the gastrointestinal tract (viral infection of the stomach and intestines). The highest number of cases is recorded in the winter, which is reflected in the English name of norovirus infection - winter vomiting disease.
Noroviruses cause more than 90 percent of the world's epidemics of non-bacterial diarrhea.
In Poland, despite the lack of a relationship between noroviruses and influenza, the terms "gastric flu" or "intestinal flu" have become commonplace in relation to this type of infections. Among adults, norovirus infection is the most common cause of non-bacterial infections of the stomach and intestines, and in children it is the second most common cause of rotavirus infection.
Noroviruses: symptoms of infection
Symptoms of nopovirus infection appear 1-2 days after contact with the virus and are very similar to those caused by rotaviruses:
- feeling unwell
- muscle and joint pain
- headaches
- severe watery diarrhea
- nausea
- vomiting
- chills
- often high fever as well.
Noroviruses: how to help a sick person?
In the case of norovirus infection, follow the same steps as in the case of rotavirus gastric flu.
First of all, you need to stay hydrated by replenishing the fluids excreted from diarrhea and vomiting (a glass of water or unsweetened tea or herbal tea after each loose bowel movement or vomiting).
You also need to give electrolytes, i.e. a mineral mixture that supplements the rinsed elements (especially sodium and potassium, as well as iron, magnesium, zinc as well as copper or manganese). In he althy people, enteric flu caused by noroviruses lasts for 24-60 hours. In children and the elderly, diarrhea can last up to a week.
- 9 questions about diarrhea in a child
- Dietin stomach flu. What can you eat during and after stomach flu?
Noroviruses more infectious than rotavirus
Noroviruses, like rotaviruses, are small, difficult to eradicate and aggressive. Already 10 noroviruses are enough to cause an infection (for rotaviruses you need 100). Noroviruses are transmitted by the fecal-oral route. Infection can occur through:
- direct contact with an infected person
- indirect contact with excreta (faeces, vomit) of an infected person
- contact with contaminated water - both in drinking water and e.g. in a swimming pool
- by ingestion
- by inhalation
After the symptoms disappear, an adult can infect up to 2 weeks, and children up to a month.
Remember that noroviruses enter food when, for example, an infected person prepares a meal or participates in the harvesting or processing of food products. They can even survive in frozen foods! Therefore, people who have diarrhea and vomiting should under no circumstances touch food.
There is no specific drug or vaccine against norovirus.
Microbes are not afraid of the mild detergents we usually use to maintain hygiene in our kitchens and bathrooms. They can be neutralized by acids.
Therefore, good old water with vinegar for washing kitchen surfaces and dishes is a great solution. We should use it especially when we have a sick person at home, but it will also be useful prophylactically. We can also use it in the toilet. Noroviruses are also harmed by cleaning agents containing chlorine and hydrogen peroxide compounds. High temperature will also affect them. They die within half an hour when exposed to a temperature of plus 60 degrees Celsius.
Read also: Bacteria that cause food poisoning - how to avoid them?
ImportantHow to avoid norovirus infection
First of all, you have to strictly follow the rules of hygiene.
- Wash your hands often. After using the toilet, returning home, before eating or starting to prepare food.
- Wipe kitchen surfaces and equipment in the bathroom and toilet, as well as the telephone receiver and door handles with something acidic, such as water and vinegar.
- You can wipe the computer's keyboard with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide - noroviruses don't like it either.
- When a person with stomach flu is at home, use chlorine-based cleaning agents to wash the toilet.
- React if a person who has diarrhea works in a shop, restaurant, canteen, bar or anywhere with food. To someone like that, underUnder no circumstances should you touch the food!
- Anyone suffering from gastric flu should stay at home and stay there for 2-3 days after the symptoms have subsided, because we infect norovirus and rotavirus until it peels off and the damaged intestinal epithelium is expelled.