American blueberry is a fruit whose healing properties should be appreciated by everyone - especially people who want to have eagle eyesight. During World War II, British Royal Air Force pilots ate blueberries to improve their night vision. This fruit is also a good remedy for memory problems, liver problems, and even as an anti-cancer prophylaxis. Check what other he alth-promoting effects of blueberry and how many calories it has.

American blueberry , i.e. highbush blueberry ( Vaccinium corymbosum ), is a dark blue fruit, valued for its sweet taste. American blueberries are firm and juicy, you can eat them raw or in a processed form - e.g. as jam, sweet sauce for desserts or pancakes.
In Poland, the blueberry season usually starts in July, when blueberries harvested in our country are available for sale. The imported ones can be bought much earlier - usually in May, although in some shops blueberries imported from Chile or Spain are sold all year round. American blueberries should be used as often as possible, not only because of their taste, but also because of their healing and he alth-promoting properties.
American blueberries belong to the same family as blueberries (blueberries). American blueberries are not only bigger and sweeter in taste than their cousins, but are also more effective in preventing certain types of cancer. What other properties does blueberry have?
American blueberry - healing properties
The properties of the American blueberry put it among the berries that you should reach for as often as possible.
The most important he alth properties of blueberries:
- improves memory
- reduces the risk of high blood pressure
- prevents cancer
- prevents cirrhosis
- supports the work of the eyes
- supports the digestive system
The he alth properties of blueberries have been thoroughly researched in many experiments and scientific studies - and then described in detail.
- blueberry has a beneficial effect on the processes of remembering
Blueberry can improve memory, scientists from two argueBritish universities - University of Reading and Penninsula Medical School - in the scientific magazine "Free Radical Biology and Medicine" ¹. In their opinion, this is due to the flavonoids that reverse memory loss with age. They came to such conclusions after a 12-week experiment, during which scientists supplemented the diet of the experiment participants with blueberries.
Already after three weeks, they noticed an improvement in their memory, and with time it was getting better and better. The precise mechanisms of action of the substances in the fruit have not been established, but researchers believe that they improve existing connections in the brain, improve communication between cells, and stimulate the regeneration of neurons.
- blueberry can prevent hypertension
Blueberry can prevent arterial hypertension - report scientists from the University of East Anglia (Great Britain) and Harvard University (USA) in the pages of the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" ².
They observed that people who consume a portion of blueberries at least once a week by 10% they are less likely to suffer from hypertension.
This is due to the anthocyanins contained in the fruit, the chemical compounds from the flavonoid group, the researchers argue. The researchers studied 134,000 women and 47,000 men who participated in the Nurses' He alth Study and the 14-year He alth Professionals Follow-up Study.
At the time the study began, none of the people taking part in it had hypertension. He alth status was assessed every two years, and diet every four years. 35,000 people developed hypertension.
- blueberry may also prevent cancer
American blueberry contains large amounts of phytoestrogen, a plant hormone that effectively blocks the activity of enzymes that contribute to the formation of the so-called hormone-dependent cancers, e.g. certain breast cancers.
Similar, anti-cancer properties also have ellagic acid contained in blueberries.
- This berry can also prevent cirrhosis
The research conducted by Japanese scientists³ shows that the fruits of the American blueberry, and specifically one of its varieties - blueberry ( V. Ashei ), inhibit the replication of the hepatitis C virus and thus prevent the development of liver cirrhosis and have a protective effect on hepatocytes (liver cells).
Researchers at the University of Miyazaki have concluded that proanthocyanidin found in the leaves of the bilberry bilberry may slow down the replication of HCV, which is located in the liver.
- blueberry supports the work of the eyes
Blueberry is also used to treat eye conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration. Apparently, during World War II, British Royal Air Force pilots ate blueberries to improve their night vision.
- highbush blueberry also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system
American blueberry fruits contain tannins that have antibacterial properties - they destroy e.g. harmful strainsE. Coli .
In addition, the fiber and antioxidants contained in blueberries are involved in the removal of toxins and harmful waste products from the body.
- BERRIES support the treatment of many diseases
- BLACKBERRY - he alth properties
- BLACKCURRANTS - he alth properties
Why is it worth eating blueberries?

Blueberry nutritional properties
Blueberry owes its he alth-promoting and healing properties to the content of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, such as polyphenols, tannins, anthocyanins and phytoestrogens. These fruits are also low in calories and have a low glycemic index (IG=53), so they can be eaten by people with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
Blueberry - nutritional values, calories (in100 g)
- Energy value - 57 kcal
- Total protein - 0.74 g
- Fat - 0.33 g
- Carbohydrates - 14.49 g (including simple sugars 9.96 g)
- Fiber - 2.4 g
- Vitamin C - 9.7 mg
- Thiamine - 0.037 mg
- Riboflavin - 0.0416 mg
- Niacin - 0.418 mg
- Vitamin B6 - 0.052 mg
- Folic acid - 6 µg
- Vitamin A - 54 IU
- Vitamin E - 0.57 mg
- Vitamin K - 19.3 µg
- Calcium - 6 mg
- Iron - 0.28 mg
- Magnesium - 6 mg
- Phosphorus - 12 mg
- Potassium - 77 mg
- Sodium - 1 mg
- Zinc - 0.16 mg
Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
How to choose the best American blueberries?
Fresh blueberries should be intense blue, covered with a whitish, chalky wax coating. Make sure the fruit is not damp, moldy or rotten.
Frozen blueberries should be loose. If they are packed together, it can be said with high probability that they have already been thawed and re-frozen.
How to store blueberries?
Blueberries can be stored inup to seven days in the refrigerator.
Blueberries that are not eaten immediately should not be washed.
To freeze American blueberries, place unwashed on parchment paper, put in the freezer, and when frozen, transfer to a plastic bag. This way, they can be stored for a year.
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- Polish superfruits - what fruit is worth eating in the summer?
American blueberry - use in the kitchen
Rinse fresh blueberries with lukewarm water and dry gently .
Frozen blueberries don't need to be washed. It is enough to defrost them at room temperature and add them to uncooked dishes.
Before serving fresh blueberries in a raw dough, sprinkle them with flour first so that they do not fall to the bottom.
Blueberries can be added to a salad or cereals, eaten by themselves or made into a cake.