Thymoma is a tumor of the thymus gland - an organ that is part of the immune system. In the course of the cancer process, the thymus stops working properly, which may lead to the development of autoimmune diseases, such as, for example, myasthenia gravis or rheumatoid arthritis. What are the causes and symptoms of thymoma? What is the treatment of this type of cancer?

Thymomatotumor of the thymus- endocrine gland, which belongs to the body's immune system. The task of the thymus gland is to produce white blood cells - T lymphocytes - which are responsible for protecting the body against infection. In the course of the neoplastic process, the function of the thymus is disturbed, which can lead to the development of many diseases, usually those of autoimmune origin, i.e. those in the course of which cells of the immune system attack the body.

Thymoma is usually diagnosed in patients between the ages of 40 and 60.

Grasiczak - types

Thymoma originates from the epithelial tissue of the thymus gland and may additionally contain normal lymphatic elements of this organ. In medical terminology, there areinvasive thymoma(the term malignant) and non-invasive (i.e. benign). The invasive type is characterized by the presence of tumor cells in the pleural effusion. There is also infiltration of adjacent tissues, implantation of cells into the pleura and distant metastases. In turn, in the case ofnon-invasive thymoma(benign), the neoplastic process is limited only to the thymus and does not extend to other structures.

Grasiczak - reasons

Both the causes and risk factors for developing thymoma are unknown.

Thymoma - symptoms

Thymoma develops in the anterior mediastinum. As it grows, it begins to put pressure on its neighboring structures, therefore they appear:

  • respiratory symptoms - cough, shortness of breath and other breathing problems;
  • chest pain;
  • swelling of the face and neck;

Patients with thymoma also develop the so-calledparaneoplastic syndromes , especially autoimmune syndromes such as myasthenia gravis (a muscle disease that manifests itself as progressive fatigue, symptoms of doubledrooping eyelids or swallowing disorders). Other conditions that may develop in thymoma include polymyositis, systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis or thyroiditis. They are the result of a malfunctioning immune system that starts attacking the body's own cells as it considers them to be a threat.

However, very often (about 40% of cases) thymoma does not give any symptoms and is detected accidentally during a chest X-ray.

Thymus - treatment

Treatment of thymic tumors includes surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Stage I neoplasms - limited to the thymus - are excised. Similarly, the 2nd degree ones, i.e. those infiltrating the organ capsule and the surrounding fat tissue or the pleura, with the difference that radiation therapy is used after surgery. In the case of stage III and IV neoplasms, when the tumor infiltrates the surrounding organs, spreads in the pleural cavity or causes distant metastases via blood or lymphatic vessels, treatment is individualized. You may need a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. If the cancer is at a very advanced stage, only palliative treatment is possible.

Grasiczak - prognosis

Research shows that in people with 1st degree thymoma, the 5-year survival after tumor resection is 85-95%. The higher the stage, the worse the prognosis is.

5 percent cases, metastases occur - most often to the pleura, pericardium, liver, bones and the central nervous system.
