Viral keratitis is a very contagious eye disease that, if not diagnosed in time, can lead to serious complications, such as corneal perforation or endophthalmitis. What are the causes and symptoms of viral keratitis? How is this disease treated? What is its prevention?
Viral keratitis of the eye , i.e. the membrane covering the eye over the iris, is an extremely contagious eye disease, the treatment of which is difficult and often not very effective, because the infection is prone to recurrence . However, the worst part is that late diagnosed viral keratitis can lead to serious complications.
- Viral keratitis of the eye - causes
- Viral keratitis - symptoms
- Viral keratitis of the eye - serious complications
- Viral keratitis - diagnosis
- Viral keratitis - treatment
- Viral keratitis - prevention
Viral keratitis of the eye - causes
The most common viral keratitis isherpetic keratitis , caused by the virusHerpes simplex . HSV type I is transmitted through the air and causes infections of the eyes, as well as the skin of the face and torso. HSV type II is sexually transmitted and usually causes no symptoms in the eyes. It is worth knowing that many people carry this virus, which becomes active with a general decline in immunity, e.g. during fever. Viral keratitis can also be caused by infection with type 8 and 9 adenoviruses. In this case, common inflammation of the conjunctiva and the cornea is diagnosed. Keratitis can also be caused by the chickenpox virus (VZV).
Viral keratitis - symptoms
- matte cornea with uneven surface
- eye redness
- severe eye pain with burning and stinging
- severe swelling of the conjunctiva
- tearing
- photophobia
- foreign body sensation in the eye
- presence of pathological, watery discharge in the conjunctival sac
- deterioration of vision (decrease in sharpness of the image and its "blurring")
In the beginning, symptoms appear in only one eye, in the other eye it usually appears after a few days.
ImportantViral keratitis of the eye - serious complications
Viral keratitis can cause the cornea to become cloudy and scarred, as well as corneal ulceration, perforation, endophthalmitis, and even complete inflammation. Other possible complications related to damage to the eye's architecture - after the inflammation of the cornea has subsided - are secondary glaucoma or cataracts. The risk of bacterial superinfection also increases. In turn, if the dormant varicella virus is reactivated in the ganglia of the trigeminal nerve, ophthalmic shingles may develop.
Viral keratitis - diagnosis
In order to diagnose viral eye inflammation, basic ophthalmological examinations are performed, incl. assessment of the condition of the conjunctiva in a slit lamp, fundus endoscopy and measurement of intraocular pressure.
Viral keratitis - treatment
Herpetic keratitis is treated topically by administering acyclovir (3%) - an eye ointment drug that inhibits the multiplication of viruses, especially those of the Herpes group. Additionally, trifluridine is used in the form of eye drops, which also have antiviral properties. In addition, the patient is administered drugs that accelerate the healing of the cornea.
Inflammation of the conjunctiva and the cornea is treated by administering antiviral preparations, cold compresses and artificial tears. The patient is also given ozone drops, which accelerate the epithelialization of the corneal defects and cause the retraction of infiltrates, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Steroids are used for decreased visual acuity. For effective treatment of herpes zoster virus (VZV) keratitis, it must be started within 3 days of the onset of the skin lesions. Usually, topical treatment with antiviral preparations (acyclovir, idoxyuridine) is used. The patient is also given steroid preparations (ointment, aerosol) for skin lesions. Steroid drops are used in severe eye complications.
Whatever the cause, antibiotics are sometimes given to prevent secondary bacterial infections.
Viral keratitis - prevention
The infection is highly contagious for the first 2 weeks, therefore basic hygiene rules should be followed.