Can you catch psoriasis? Is psoriasis contagious? There is a belief in society that psoriasis spreads from person to person. It is commonly believed that you can get infected with it, among others by shaking hands with the patient. Therefore, they often struggle with rejection and stigmatization. Check if psoriasis is contagious.
Can you get infected with psoriasis ? Ispsoriasisa diseasecontagious ? These questions are asked by people who meet a person suffering from psoriasis. The symptoms of this disease are hard not to notice. There are brown or pink papules covered with dry, silvery-white scales. They can merge and form larger foci of various sizes and shapes. Characteristic of psoriasis is that when we scratch the dry scales, microscopic droplets of blood appear almost immediately. Such speckled bleeding is referred to by experts as the Auspitz symptom, and more figuratively it is called "blood dew". Some forms of the disease are associated with inflammatory changes in the joints, others - pimples or exudates. Sometimes the skin itches, burns, fever rises, chills. As you can see, psoriasis comes in many varieties.
Can you catch psoriasis? Is psoriasis contagious?
Psoriasis is a skin disease caused by a malfunction of the immune system. This theory is supported by cases of psoriasis in children, which often appear after acute infections, such as influenza, smallpox, and bronchitis. The disease usually manifests itself between the ages of 10 and 30, but dermatologists say that in recent years older people have become more and more likely to develop it, even after the age of 70. It is assumed that the so-called late psoriasis can be caused by taking certain medications, e.g. beta-blockers used in cardiology or lithium preparations recommended for the treatment of depression. Sometimes it is hereditary. Children of sick people are likely to have skin problems similar to those of their parents or grandparents. We don't know all the causes of this skin disease yet.
Therefore, psoriasis is by no means contagious - it cannot be caught like the flu or ringworm. You cannot catch it by shaking your hand, swimming in the same pool, or even using the same towel orsleeping in the same bed with a sick person. However, many people think otherwise. When they meet someone with psoriasis skin, they avoid contact, fearing for their he alth, and do not shake hands. Therefore, it is very important that the environment of the sick person is aware of this. A sick person, who most often has serious problems with self-acceptance, becomes even more ashamed of his own appearance under the influence of curious glances or negative comments. This causes enormous stress, which in turn fuels the disease.
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