Iontophoresis is the introduction of a medicine into the diseased area thanks to the flow of a constant current. It is effective in pain in the joints, spine, neuralgia and inflammation. The advantage of this form of physical therapy is that it is painless. Check what are the indications and contraindications for iontophoresis and what this method of rehabilitation is.

In the vortex of everyday dutiesiontophoresiscan be not only a method of rehabilitation, but also a longed-for moment of relaxation.The operation of iontophoresisis quite simple and has been known for years, but it is still considered one of the most effective methods of physical therapy. It is painless and non-invasive. It consists in the fact that the medicine is introduced to the sick place thanks to the flow of a constant current.

Iontophoresis does not hurt

Physiotherapist wraps us e.g. a sore knee with wet swabs soaked in a drug solution. Then he places electrodes on both sides of the knee, covers the whole thing with oilcloth and wraps it with a bandage. It starts the device. Now the current flowing through the diseased area from one electrode to the other carries the drug, which is directly absorbed into the tissues. Interestingly, drugs have specific, constant loads. So it is known to which electrodes they should be assigned to be attracted.

After turning on the power, the physiotherapist will ask us if we feel a slight tingling sensation, a kind of pins. This is the correct reaction. Means iontophoresis is working. As a result, you can also dose the correct current.

When everything is checked and set, the physiotherapist leaves, and we, usually stretched out on the couch, can relax in silence for about 20 minutes. An attentive physiotherapist will usually visit us from time to time to check if everything is okay.

Before the treatment, remember to cleanse the skin, also of creams and ointments, because they make it difficult or even impossible for the drug to penetrate. There may be a slight reddening of the electrodes at the site of application of the electrodes, and sometimes the epidermis may even peel off. Ultimately, we are dealing with electricity. It's nothing wrong.


Iontophoresis , otherwiseiontophoresis , is a good method of treating many diseases. First, it allows you to use very strong doses of the drug. The advantage is that the digestive tract is not involved in its absorption, and above allall stomach. Secondly, the very action of the current is healing. We need a referral from a doctor. Usually 10 treatments are taken in series - one a day, except for weekends. They are only half refunded, so we'll pay for five. One costs PLN 10.

Iontophoresis: indications

There are many diseases treated with iontophoresis, during which the appropriate drug is applied:

  • on bones that do not heal, vasomotor disorders, laryngitis - calcium chloride;
  • for scars, scar contractures - iodine;
  • for neuralgia - procaine (lignocaine);
  • in inflammation of the skin, soft tissues, small joints - hydrocortisone;
  • for slow-healing ulcers, nail yeast disease - zinc;
  • for injuries, especially for athletes - voltaren gels (new method);
  • for eye inflammation - calcium with hydrocortisone (seals the walls of the vessels and has anti-inflammatory properties); a wet compress is placed on the eye, thanks to which the drug works much faster than drops or tablets.

Iontophoresis is also used in cosmetics.

Contraindications to iontophoresis

  • cancer (present or past)
  • pregnancy
  • pacemaker
  • allergic to drugs used during the procedure

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