Pituitary adenoma is a benign neoplastic lesion and the most common form of pituitary gland tumor. What are the causes and symptoms of pituitary adenoma? When can drug treatment be used and when is surgery necessary? What tests should be performed if a pituitary adenoma is suspected?
Pituitary adenoma
Pituitary adenomaisbenign tumorwhich is located in the middle fossa of the skull, in the hollow of the sphenoid bone, the so-called turkish saddle. It is built, among others from the endocrine cells of the anterior pituitary gland. If they are cells that secrete hormonally active substances, the tumor is also hormonally active. These are the so-calledsecreting adenomas , among which the most common areprolactin adenomas(over 50%),growth hormone-producing adenomas (15-25%) andcorticotropic adenomas(5%). The remaining tumors are hormonally inactive ( non-secreting adenomas ).
Pituitary adenoma - types
In medical terminology, the following division of pituitary adenomas is adopted:
- Neutrophilic pituitary adenomas- are the cause of numerous hormonal disorders resulting from hypopituitarism, incl. fat and sex syndrome (loss of sexual functions, characteristic weight gain, weakness, lowering blood pressure)
- eosinophilic adenomas- cause gigantism during the growth period, and after this period, acromegaly
- basophil adenomaswhich cause Cushing's disease
Pituitary adenoma - symptoms
Symptoms of a pituitary gland adenomavary depending on whether the source of the adenoma is a hormone-secreting cell or a hormonally inactive cell.
So-calledprolactinoma , i.e.prolactin tumor , constituting approx. 50% of all pituitary adenomas, contributes to the weakening of potency, menstrual disorders and infertility. This tumor secretes prolactin (PRL) - a hormone that supports the work of the corpus luteum so that it can produce progesterone necessary for the maintenance of pregnancy. Prolactin also stimulates the formation of milk in the mother's breasts.
Second whatthe frequency of occurrence issomatotropin tumor , growth hormone secretagogue (GH). The disorders associated with the overproduction of growth hormone in children include gigantism, while in adults acromegaly, i.e. a significant enlargement of the hands, feet, jaw and tongue. Additionally, diabetes, hypertension, muscle weakness, joint pain, osteoporosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy may occur.
Corticotropin tumor , secreting ACTH, or corticotropic hormone, leads to hyperactivity of the adrenal cortex, and thus - to an increase in blood cortisol levels. It is the cause of Cushing's disease which manifests itself, inter alia, in obesity, stretch marks on the skin, osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension and acne.
Pituitary adenoma, which is derived from thyroid stimulating cells that secreteTSH hormone , is a rare cause of hyperthyroidism. The thyroid stimulating hormone is responsible for the intensification of the production and secretion of thyroid hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine.
The gonadotropin tumor , secreting FSH and LH, is hormonally inactive. Like any non-secretory tumor, it usually manifests itself after a longer period of growth, when it causes damage to properly functioning secretory cells through pressure.
Symptoms accompanying pituitary adenomas, resulting from the presence of the neoplastic mass, are headaches, binaural hemi-vision due to oppression of the optic junction.