Salicylic alcohol is used to disinfect the skin and disinfect wounds - but not only. The properties of salicylic spirit are so rich that it has been used, among others, in medicine and cosmetics. What is salicylic spirit useful for and why is it worth having it at home?
Salicylic alcoholis a 2% solution of salicylic acid in ethanol and water. 100 g of salicylic spirit contains 2 g of salicylic acid, which has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties, and 30 percent. water and 68 percent. ethanol, which is its main constituent .¹
Ethyl alcohol is not very antibacterial, but quite effective in appropriate concentrations, bactericidal against most common pathogenic bacteria .¹ Salicylic alcohol has many properties, therefore it has found a wideusein medicine and also in cosmetology. Its healingeffectis not limited only to disinfecting wounds.
- Salicylic alcohol: properties and application
- Salicylic alcohol, pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Salicylic alcohol - contraindications and side effects
Salicylic alcohol: properties and application
Salicylic alcohol is used externally, both in pure and diluted form - the method of application depends both on the problem and the effects expected.
- Salicylic alcohol to decontaminate the skinSalicylic alcohol is applied topically to decontaminate the skin. The optimal concentration solution containing 70% ethyl alcohol (such as salicylic alcohol) applied to the skin has been shown to reduce microbial counts by 90% in 2 minutes, provided that the skin is wetted with alcohol at all times. Wiping the skin with a cotton ball once and allowing it to dry will reduce the microbial count by up to 75% .¹
- Salicylic alcohol for abrasions of the epidermisSalicylic alcohol can also be used for abrasions of the epidermis. In this case, the skin should be wiped temporarily with a tampon or a cotton swab soaked in salicylic alcohol.
- Salicylic alcohol for acne and blackheadsSalicylic acid, which is a component of salicylic spirit, penetratessebum layer on the skin and penetrates deep into the hair and sebaceous follicles. There it begins its bactericidal and soothing activity, removing excess fat and impurities. For this reason, it is recommended for people with acne-prone skin. It also has other properties - it reduces keratinization, i.e. the build-up of dead epidermal cells in the vicinity of the hair follicle. This is another feature that helps combat the causes of acne. In the course of acne, rub the affected areas 1-2 times a day. However, you cannot use salicylic alcohol for a long time. The ethanol it contains - has a drying effect. Wiping the face with salicylic alcohol for a long time causes drying of the skin and, consequently, increased work of the sebaceous glands, which in this way replenishes the lack of hydration.
- SeborrheaIn this case, salicylic alcohol works in the same way as in acne. It should also be used temporarily in order not to excessively dry the skin. You can make a skin cleansing tonic at home. The easiest way to obtain a tonic is to mix it with salicylic alcohol and water in a concentration of 20% salicylic alcohol and 80% water. After applying the tonic, wait up to 60 minutes. before applying a cream or serum. In acne, rub the affected areas 1-2 times a day. It is worth knowing that salicylic alcohol also has regenerating and keratoplastic properties, i.e. it stimulates the renewal of the epidermis.
- OnychomycosisIn this case, salicylic alcohol is one of the auxiliaries. In the course of athlete's foot, you should wash your feet thoroughly, dry them well, and wipe more sensitive areas with salicylic alcohol or an antiseptic liquid. During the day, use an antiperspirant or sprinkle the feet and interdigital spaces with talcum powder, especially those intended for antifungal prophylaxis of the feet - containing zinc undecylenate, as well as other ingredients that care for the feet.
Salicylic alcohol, pregnancy and breastfeeding
Salicylic spirit applied topically to small areas of the skin does not affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, there are no contraindications to its use. It can also be used during breastfeeding, of course avoiding the breast skin.
But beware - it should be used in moderation, because, like any potentially irritating substance, it can cause problems with the skin, which is excessively sensitive and prone to irritation during pregnancy and after childbirth.
Salicylic alcohol - contraindications and side effects
Salicylic spirit contains acidsalicylic acid, which is mildly irritating and may cause local contact dermatitis in people who are allergic to salicylates.
Frequent use may cause skin irritation and dryness due to the alcohol content.
Due to the content of salicylic acid, avoid contact with mucous membranes. Do not use the drug on open wounds and large areas of the skin due to the absorption of ethanol and the possibility of symptoms of salicylic acid poisoning.
Salicylic alcohol should not be used in people who are hypersensitive to salicylates, or in infants and young children. For several years, it has not been used in infants to care for the umbilical stump - rubbing the navel with alcohol, as research has shown, delays wound healing and the stump falls off.
Application to larger areas of the body or accidental drinking reduces the ability to use machines and drive vehicles.
According to an expertDr. Elżbieta Szymańska, MD, a dermatologistDiscoloration after decontamination with salicylic alcohol
I'm 24 years old. A few weeks ago, I used salicylic alcohol to sanitize the pimples on my forehead. I was left with a "memento" in the form of a delicate thin streak on the skin of my forehead (a different color - discoloration). Is there a way to get rid of the resulting discoloration? I would like to add that I have a darker complexion and previously there were no discolorations in this place and no cosmetic procedures were performed, etc.
Dr. Elżbieta Szymańska, MD, PhD, dermatologist: In the first stage, the skin should be lubricated and protected from the sun. If the stain does not disappear on its own, dermatological treatment should be considered, e.g. chemical peels, discoloration preparations.
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