The pace of life today means that stress is practically with us constantly. Fighting stress is not easy. Learn ways to relieve stress. Check which exercises will help you fight stress.

Stressit just is. We cannot avoid it. Stress accompanies us in every action, because both difficulties and pleasures are stressful. How to copedeal with stress , how to deal with stress? The best counterbalance to the stress hormones is the increased production of endorphins, commonly known as the happiness hormones. This is primarily facilitated by physical activity - moderate but regular exercise, such as swimming, jogging, yoga, tennis, are greatways to relieve stress . Sex is also important. Regular intimate contacts have a very beneficial effect on the entire body, they relax, relax, and therefore also help in the fight against stress. The feeling of closeness and security immunizes you against stress. The daily dose of silence and contact with nature also help. Even not very intense, but constantly accompanying noises (e.g. from traffic or TV) stimulate the body, and over time cause irritation. There are also simple techniques that can relieve your tense nerves and combat stress in minutes. Some stress relief exercises can be done at home, others in the office or on the bus. It is worth trying as many as possible to see which ones are the best for relaxing. Often half a minute is enough to deal with the physical symptoms of stress. Here are some of these psychological tricks.

Meditations and exercises of imagination for stress

A great way to overcome stress is simple meditation and imagination exercises called visualizations. Sometimes it is enough to just close your eyes to let the stress go away. The idea is to present the brain with nice, pleasant images instead of unpleasant images. So, we will overcome stress, e.g. by recalling the face of a child or spouse or by remembering a special day. To make it easier, it is worth having a photo of a loved one or a holiday souvenir photo on your desk at work - that is, where stress usually strikes us most often.

Simple exercises and ways to relieve stress

  • Fear or anger make us slouch and bury our head in our arms. Effect? Worse blood supply and unnaturally tense muscles, which causes neck and headaches. Therefore, to overcome stressyou have to straighten up, raise your head, move your head, relax your shoulders. You can also stretch like a cat. Then it is worth making a pair of circles with your arms and grasping your hands behind your back.
  • You are under stress, get up and suck in your stomach, then take 10 deep breaths. Take in as much air as possible and let it out slowly. Just think about breathing, it's an effective way to overcome stress.
  • Under stress, you clench your jaws in a subconscious defensive gesture. This can lead to chronic headaches. You'll unlock them by yawning several times.
  • Close the windows, turn off the phone. Lie on your back with a flat pillow under your head. Straighten your legs, take your arms away from your body and bend your elbows a little (you can rest them on your hips). Breathe slowly and deeply, and mentally repeat to yourself, "I'm lying still, I'm breathing slowly and evenly." Concentrate on the parts of your body, think about them intensely to push gloomy thoughts away. After a few minutes, stretch, sit down slowly, and resume your activities.
  • Isometric gymnastics also gives excellent results in the fight against stress. Lie down comfortably, tense your entire body to a number of ten, then relax your calves, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, chest, and arms in turn. Rest for a while and repeat this exercise at least 5-8 times. Then lie down for a minute, still breathing deeply.
  • It is the senses that register the stimuli that cause stress. So try to give them something to relax. The view of trees, garden, sea offers almost immediate relief. The sound of the waves, falling rain, and the singing of birds are also really soothing to the nerves. This is also how classical music works. The scent of your favorite perfume, fruit or flowers relaxes you almost instantly. It has recently been discovered that nothing relaxes you like the scent of mowed grass.
  • Scented candles - cinnamon, lavender, cedar can also be a way to relieve stress. The smell of fresh oranges, baked cake or coffee brewed with cardamom has a relaxing effect. And in the bedroom it is good to keep sachets fragrant with herbs.

Stress affects us all. And there are no people who are completely immune to stressful situations. However, among us there are those who can cope better with stress. How do they do it?

People who deal well with stress:

  • They eat calmly and at the same time, a few not too abundant meals, including at least one warm one.
  • They drink less than 3 cups of coffee a day.
  • They sleep on average 7 hours a day. Regeneration of the body is a key issue in the fight against stress.
  • They have at least one close person next to them (from family or a friend) whom they can always count on and confide in.
  • They practiceat least twice a week so that you get tired.
  • They don't smoke, and if they consume alcohol, they drink less than 3 drinks a week.
  • They keep the weight in check.
  • They have a steady income that is sufficient for their daily needs.
  • They have a job they like and which is not boring, requires creativity, creativity and challenges.
  • They work socially or meet people with similar interests.
  • They take care of their he alth, regularly visit an ophthalmologist and dentist, and have periodic checkups.
  • They can talk openly about what they feel, especially when it is regret and anger.
  • They talk about everyday matters with the household members and share their duties.
  • They do something just for themselves, for fun at least once a week.
  • Every day they find time to calm down, relax.
  • In difficult moments they say to themselves: "I can handle it", or at least "Somehow it will be."
  • They know how to forgive, they don't hold a grudge.

How to fight stress?

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