The umbilical cord is a cylindrical tube that connects the baby to the placenta, and thus to the mother, enabling the baby to develop properly. Abnormalities in the structure of the umbilical cord can disrupt the flow of nutrients and oxygen and cause malformations, intrauterine growth retardation or damage to the nervous system. How to recognize umbilical cord problems?

Umbilical cord problemsare dangerous both for the development of the baby during pregnancy and can cause complications in childbirth.

What are the most common problems with the umbilical cord?

Problems with the umbilical cord may result from an incorrect structure of the umbilical cord, which is:

  • the umbilical cord is too short or too long
  • umbilical cord is two- or one-vessel instead of tri-vessel
  • the umbilical cord has a persistent right umbilical vein
  • incorrect umbilical cord attachment
  • there are pseudo, false and true knots on the umbilical cord
  • umbilical cord hematomas, cysts or tumors
  • the umbilical cord is twisted or clockwise
  • an umbilical cord hernia has formed

Problems with the umbilical cord can also result from the umbilical cord twisting around the fetus or from the umbilical cord or prolapse.

umbilical cord too short or too long

The umbilical cord is too shortnot only causes discomfort to the baby, because he cannot change position freely, but also stresses too much with every movement, impeding blood flow. In extreme cases, when the baby moves, it can pull the placenta, which favors its early detachment, which endangers pregnancy.

The umbilical cord is too longand it may become looped or knotted into a knot. Sometimes it wraps around the baby several times, and sometimes it wraps around the neck and handle at the same time. As the baby struggles to disentangle it, it tightens and tightens more and more, restricting the oxygen supply. Twisting the umbilical cord can make labor difficult, but doctors can handle it. According to statistics, every fifth child is born with an umbilical cord around his neck.

Abnormal structure of the umbilical cord

Two-vessel umbilical cord- is a situation in which the umbilical cord contains only two vessels instead of three: one vein and one artery. The two-vessel umbilical cord usually functions properly, however, sometimes it may have limited blood flowadverse effect on the child's development - cause heart defects, less often the urinary system.

Monovascular umbilical cord- this is a situation in which the umbilical cord contains only one large vessel instead of three; this defect often coexists with heart, kidney or nervous system defects, as well as chromosomal abnormalities. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is also more common.

Attach the membranous umbilical cord

Attachment of umbilical cord membranesis a rare, but very dangerous pathology of the structure of the umbilical cord - umbilical vessels branch just in front of the placenta, joining with fetal membranes and through them penetrate into the placenta. Due to the membranous attachment, the moment the fetal bladder ruptures, the fetus may bleed and die. If the vessels that run freely in the membranes of the fetus are located close to the inner mouth of the cervix, they may be pressed by the anterior part of the fetus, leading to hypoxia.

Conducting the umbilical cord

Conducting the umbilical cord- the umbilical cord is located next to or in front of the frontal part of the fetus with the preserved (i.e. not ruptured) fetal bladder. The leading of the umbilical cord most often leads to its prolapse. To avoid the umbilical cord prolapse, the pregnant woman is positioned to allow the umbilical cord to retract. Typically, this is either a high pelvic position or a knee-elbow position. Since the predominance of the umbilical cord can lead to hypoxia, the woman should lie on the side opposite to the umbilical cord.

Umbilical cord prolapse

Umbilical cord loops

Problems with the umbilical cord: symptoms

Umbilical cord problems usually lead to an obstruction in the flow of oxygen between mom and baby. When the fetus gets less oxygen, it usually begins to move rapidly, which is the first sign that something is wrong. But any behavior of the child other than before should prompt you to see the gynecologist immediately, without waiting for the appointed date.

Umbilical cord problems: treatment

Regular visits to the gynecologist and adherence to ultrasound appointments allow you to observe the umbilical cord and the child's development. Thanks to the research, it is possible to detect any irregularities early and remedy them in a timely manner. In case of complications, the doctor may recommend more frequent monitoring of blood flow through the umbilical cord and the work of the fetal heart by ultrasound with a special Doppler and cardiotocography (CTG) device. If necessary, it may decide to terminate the pregnancy by caesarean section. It is important that mum learns to observe the baby's movements herself.
