You have given birth to a beautiful, he althy baby. We gave him 10 points on the Apgar scale. Every mother is waiting for such words. But you have to remember that a 10 on the Apgar scale means that your newborn's body performs basic vital functions, but unfortunately that doesn't guarantee that your son or daughter will thrive in the future.
Created in 1956 by Dr. Virginia Apgar, the scale is used all over the world. Thanks to it, using simple tests, doctors can find out if the newbornbabyis viable outside the womb. The test according toon the Apgarscale is performed 4 times: in the first, third, fifth and tenth minutes of life.
Newbornis subjected to five tests. For each of them, you can get from 0 to 2 points. Then the points are added up and the neonatologist (pediatrician, specialist for newborns) issues a censorship note. 8-10 points indicates a very good condition of the child, 5-7 points. - average condition (the child often needs, for example, unblocking the respiratory tract and oxygen), 0-4 points - a serious condition requiring immediate, intensive medical care.
The Apgar scale assesses the basic vital functions
Immediately after the delivery, still in the delivery room, the neonatologist assesses:
- heart function - the doctor auscultates the child with a stethoscope. If the heart beats more than 100 times a minute, the newborn scores 2 points; if less than 100 - 1 point; in the absence of heart rate - 0 points.
- breathing - the newborn gets 2 points for the first loud scream. If the shout is irregular, weak - 1 point. When the child is not screaming at all - 0 points.
- muscle tension - the doctor bends and straightens the arms and legs of the newborn. If the limb movements are vigorous, strong, 2 points will be awarded. If the muscle tone is weak - 1 point. When they are completely flaccid - 0 points.
- reactions to stimuli - the newborn's nostrils and mouth are irritated. A catheter is put in his nose. The child should react with loud crying, screaming or sneezing and will be given 2 points. If only a frown appears on the face - 1 point. When there is no reaction - 0 points.
- skin color - properly supplied with blood is pink and 2 points are awarded. If the newborn baby has blue arms and legs - the doctor will award 1 point, and ifskin all over the body is blue or pale - 0 points.
How many points does a newborn get on the Apgar scale and for what?
The necessary distance to the test result according to the Apgar scale
"Ten" in the Apgar scale proves that the newborn's organism performs basic life functions. But these tests will not show that the central nervous system is properly built and will function well. The nerve centers that regulate vital functions assessed on the Apgar scale are located in the brain stem.
- TESTING the newborn after birth
And the normal psychomotor development of a child depends on the correct structure of the midbrain and cerebral cortex. It is also important how the biochemical processes in the brain cells take place and when its individual parts mature.
In such a small child, even specialized tests would not help in determining the general condition of the central nervous system and in making a prognosis for the future. This is why you should be happy about the "ten", but also treat it only as a chance that your child will do well in this world.
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