Apathy is a mental state characterized by a decrease in the ability to feel emotions and physical stimuli. A person experiencing apathy is reluctant to undertake any kind of activity, withdraws from already established social relationships and avoids building new ones. Read about the causes and symptoms of apathy, and learn how to treat apathy.
Apathy: what is it?
Apathyis a state with the typical feeling of losing the will to live, taking up activity, and limiting everyday duties to the necessary minimum. Often, activities that were usually fun, entertaining or a source of relaxation are completely out of the question. Usually, apathy is associated with the occurrence of some kind of automatism. Eating meals, talking to loved ones or everyday activities, a person in a state of apathy performs almost thoughtlessly, having the impression of "working on autopilot". The feeling of resignation, reducing needs to a minimum, or losing mood and slower drive are other factors associated with apathy.
Symptoms of apathy
The symptoms of apathy come in many forms and levels. What image apathy takes on a person depends on their individual characteristics. However, it is worth knowing the basic ones, which are the common denominator in the case of experiencing apathy. This state usually affects functioning in several areas:
1. Mood and emotions.Depressed mood, prone to feeling sad and depressed. Difficult opportunity to experience emotions related to joy. Feeling of not feeling any emotions, making the impression of being emotionally dull.
2. Reaction to physical stimuli . Experiencing apathy, we read less information from the body. Responses related to basic needs, such as hunger, thirst or sexual attraction, are severely limited. Often times, apathy is associated with being less sensitive to physical pain, which is sometimes the body's way of dealing with physical illness.
3. Social Relationships . Limitation or withdrawal from existing social relations. Reluctance to build new relationships. People experiencing apathy often drop out of meetings, even with friends and family.
When apathetic people decide to participate in a social event, it is often accompanied by a feeling of tremendous effort or automatic behavior.
4. Intellectual and cognitive activity.A state of apathy usually negatively affects concentration, learning and memory. Difficulties in these areas additionally discourage from taking up intellectual activity, which in turn reduces the abilities in this area, creating a spiral phenomenon.
5. Physical activity.The experience of apathy is associated with withdrawal from previous activities. The performance of daily duties is usually kept to a minimum or takes the form of automatic behavior. Activities related to sports or recreation are suspended, and new challenges are also reluctantly undertaken. Sometimes it is associated with the feeling of losing physical strength, and sometimes with the lack of feeling the positive emotions that were previously associated with a given physical activity. It is not uncommon for apathy to negatively affect the need to take care of one's physical appearance.
6. Sleep.Apathy can also affect the amount and quality of sleep. The body's reactions in this area can be extremely different, causing excessive sleepiness, a feeling of constant fatigue and difficulties with getting dirty, as well as a drastic reduction in the amount of sleep, trouble falling asleep or waking up at night.
Causes of apathy
There can be many causes of apathy, it is also often the case that there are several reasons for its occurrence.
- Everyone experiences reduced psycho-physical availability from time to time.A few days of low mood or a temporary need to withdraw from overly stimulating activities or relationships is a natural element of the rhythm of human functioning. However, if this time becomes longer, it is worth helping yourself and looking for the cause. Often times, apathy is a warning sign for us, which tells us that it's time to rest, he alth and take a good look.
- When thinking about your psychophysical state, it is always worth to rule outmedical reasons for apathyfirst. This condition can coexist with many ailments, such as: cardiovascular diseases, endocrine diseases, diabetes, etc. It often results from experiencing constant pain resulting from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and sometimes it is associated with taking a set of specific medications. That is why it is so important to contact your GP to rule out possible medical causes of apathy if the condition persists.
- Disorders, mental illnesses can also be a reason for experiencing apathy.Worth itconsult a psychologist or psychiatrist. Apathy is often one of the symptoms of mental disorders and diseases, e.g. depression, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, therefore consulting a specialist may help to rule out this type of ailment or to start treatment and therapy immediately.
- Trauma.Difficult experiences with the hallmarks of psychological trauma can also induce a state of apathy. By cutting itself off from emotions and physical sensations, the body tries to cope with the excessive stress it has experienced. It may be a communication accident, a break up with a loved one, diagnosis of a dangerous / chronic disease, etc. It would be beneficial in such a situation to consult a psychologist or start psychotherapy.
- Long-term stress.Chronic stress related to the job, family difficulties, prolonged financial problems, too many problems to be solved, etc., are often behind the experience of apathy. The need to constantly expose yourself to over-stimulation and the inability to rest or regenerate are factors that contribute to the occurrence of a certain type of apathy. An intense lifestyle, fast pace of life and the inability to reduce emotional tension are often a source of apathy.
- Too radical diet and training regime, which in the long run can wreak havoc on the body.Food deficiencies, an improperly balanced diet and intensive training without the support of a professional can negatively affect the body in the long run. psychophysical state. In this case, apathy acts as a defense of the over-exploited organism.
- Age.Thinking about the apathy and mental states of her relatives, it is worth paying attention to the age factor. Adolescents and teenagers often experience a low mood, which on the one hand results from developmental norms, and on the other hand, should not lull the caregivers' vigilance. Slower "drive", experiencing chronic pain or struggling with disease are common experiences of older people. This fact makes them a social group particularly vulnerable to experiencing apathy.
How to deal with apathy?
If apathy is only a temporary condition, you can try to deal with it on your own. It's a good idea to make a few changes to your daily schedule. Set aside time for rest, regeneration, and pay more attention to the balance between work and private life. Regular relaxation practice, autogenic training or participation in stress reduction workshops can bring the expected results. Taking care of a he althy,A balanced diet and regular exercise should alleviate the negative feelings associated with apathy to some extent.
Treatment of apathy
However, if the state of apathy lasts two or three weeks, and the home remedies did not bring any relief, it should not be underestimated. In such a situation it is necessary to consult a doctor. Lack of energy, sadness, withdrawal from various types of activity can be a signal that warns against many diseases, and quick verification in a doctor's office and appropriate treatment may be necessary. It is worth listening to your body and following its prompts. An immediate medical response can not only improve your mood and the quality of your daily functioning, but also keep you he althy or save your life.
Psychological support in many cases turns out to be one of the most effective ways of dealing with apathy. It often happens that the doctor, after the initial diagnosis, proposes to include the therapies in treatment. When it turns out that a dangerous or chronic disease is at the root of apathy, psychological help supplements standard treatment. Working through a change, which is a medical diagnosis, relieving emotional tension, or finding motivation for further actions supplements the treatment. However, when the doctor does not find any medical causes of apathy, and the self-made attempts to improve the psychophysical condition do not bring results, it is worth referring your steps yourself to a therapy office. No matter what exactly is involved in the occurrence of apathy, it must not be underestimated. It is worth helping yourself and supporting yourself with a medical consultation. Apathy is a signal that must not be ignored.