Food poisoning with E.coli bacteria is one of the diseases of dirty hands. So remember that simple hand washing can save you from contamination.
Diseases of dirty handsare not only food poisoning in Europe in 2011, caused byE. coli . These include: hepatitis A (hepatitis A), staphylococcus, salmonella, tapeworm. The importance of the problem of keeping clean hands in prophylaxis was appreciated by UNICEF, declaring on October 15 the World DayWashing Hands(already decorated three times).
It is an educational campaign aimed at various communities around the world. Its aim is to make people aware that simple hand washing can save them from contracting many diseases. That is why it is so important that the more we wash our hands, the more effectively we reduce the risk of getting sick.
There are three types of microorganisms on your hands:
- harmless (solid flora), ensuring the proper functioning of the skin,
- transient (transitional flora), which are pollutants and may be a source of infection,
- pathogenic - the so-called infectious flora.
» There are about 150 species of bacteria on the hand.
»Only 17% of the bacteria on the hands have on both hands.
» More bacteria are found on the hands of women. Women's skin is thinner, which promotes the development of microbes. In addition, the pH of women's skin is more friendly to bacteria than the pH of men's skin.
You can find out how to wash your hands properly from our drawing guide in the gallery below. Remember that each washing step should last about 5 seconds! After washing, dry your hands with a paper towel. Throw the towel into the used towel container (do not touch the container with your hands).