Am I pregnant? Millions of women and girls ask themselves questions about pregnancy. Some look for a pregnancy with hope, others fear with fear the symptoms that may suggest a pregnancy. It is good to know when pregnancy is possible, and when fears are unfounded and hopes are void.

Earlypregnancy symptomsinclude amenorrhea, sleepiness and fatigue, breast pain, nausea and vomiting, mood swings and fainting.Is it pregnancywhen we have these symptoms? Not always. These symptoms may be due to completely different reasons.Pregnancyonly occurs when a woman's egg is fertilized by a male sperm. Therefore, the conditions in which both cells can meet must be met, e.g. intercourse with ejaculation during the fertile days, including up to 5 days before ovulation, because some sperm can survive in the woman's body for that long. But you can make love in many ways and partners have thousands of doubts. The best way to dispel them is to do a pregnancy test and see a gynecologist. But sometimes it is enough to get to know your physiology better not to worry unnecessarily.

When is the result of your pregnancy test appropriate?

A pharmacy pregnancy test can be done at the earliest two weeks after conception, i.e. 14 days after intercourse, which in our opinion may result in pregnancy. The doctor can perform a blood pregnancy test on days 7-9 after conception, because the level of the hormone - chorionic gonadotropin increases, which may indicate the presence of pregnancy. In the ultrasound examination, the doctor will notice a gestational sac approximately 4 weeks after conception.

Is pregnancy possible when two pregnancy tests are negative?

If we test after 14 days or more after intercourse in which fertilization could have occurred and both tests results are negative (there is only one line on them, no lines at all indicates that the test is damaged), then the pregnancy is almost in 100 percent is not possible. Consultation with a doctor will give you complete confidence.

Try the Pink Stream Super Sensitive Pregnancy Test

Author: Hydrex

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Pink Stream Super Sensitiveis a rapid and highly sensitive pregnancy test for detecting human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone that is found in the urine of pregnant women. The sensitivity of the Pink Flux Super Sensitive test has remainedset at 10 mIU / ml. The principle of operation of the pregnancy test is based on the reaction of the hCG hormone in the urine of a pregnant woman with anti-hCG monoclonal antibodies that were applied to the test.

Performing the test with the Pink Stream Super Sensitive test is very simple, just direct the tip of the test under the urine stream and the result in the form of colored stripes in the result window is obtained within 1-4 minutes.

Buy a test

I forgot to take my contraceptive pill and had sex with my boyfriend. Can I be pregnant?

Yes, pregnancy is possible in this situation. After stopping the hormonal contraceptive pill, fertility returns very quickly and conception is likely. In such a situation, you must either accept a possible pregnancy or use emergency contraception and take a pill containing a high dose of hormones. Only a doctor can prescribe the pill.

See what the first pregnancy symptoms look like

We made love and he entered me but there was no ejaculation. Can I be pregnant?

The chance of sperm getting into the vagina is almost non-existent, so the probability of pregnancy is negligible, but to be sure, you can do a pregnancy test after two weeks.

The condom was worn inside out during intercourse.

If the condom stuck to the penis, it did not slip off and the sperm from it did not spill into the vagina, the possibility of fertilization is negligible. According to the Pearl Index, i.e. a reliable assessment of the effectiveness of contraceptives when using a condom, pregnancy may end in 3 out of 100 relationships.

The condom came off during intercourse.

In this case, pregnancy is highly probable. This, of course, depends on the time of the cycle in which the intercourse took place - more likely during the fertile days, i.e. during and in the days leading up to ovulation.

We fondled and my naked genitals touched him, but his panties were wet with semen. Can I be pregnant?

The probability of pregnancy in this situation is small.

We had intercourse on the fourth day of my period. Is it possible for me to get pregnant?

It cannot be ruled out. Sperm live in a woman's body for up to five days. If ovulation took place at this time, the meeting of the sperm with the egg is possible.

We made love using a condom and he ejaculated. Then he took it off and after a while he entered me again. There was no ejaculation, but he did not wash his penis after the previous intercourse.

In this situation, too, given the viability of the sperm, fertilization could have taken place.
