Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid that can cause atherosclerosis as well as high levels of bad cholesterol. The whole body suffers from too much homocysteine ​​(hyperhomocysteinemia). This is the number one enemy of our heart and blood vessels. However, you can try to tame him! Find out what the norms for homocysteine ​​are in a blood test!

Homocysteine: what is it?

Homocysteine ​​ is an amino acid that too much in the blood can cause atherosclerotic changes. It hasa very negative effect on the blood vessels , which become less flexible and more susceptible to atherosclerosis. Unfortunately, public awareness ofhyperhomocysteinemia , because that's what the state is called, is still too low.

MTHFRmutation may elevate homocysteine ​​levels and cause atherosclerotic lesions. Under normal conditions, this gene is responsible for maintaining the proper concentration of homocysteine ​​in the blood plasma. Its damage, however, has the opposite effect.

Homocysteine: norms

The amount of homocysteine ​​in human blood plasmashould not exceed 7-10 mol / l.It is a concentration that is safe for our he alth. The norm is also 15 mol / l. Nevertheless, increasing the homocysteine ​​level to 11-13 mol / L can already damage the endothelial cells that line the blood vessels. We talk about hyperhomocysteinemia when its value is 20-30 mol / l.

Check for symptoms of atherosclerosis!

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Proper folic acid will lower homocysteine ​​levels

Giving high doses of folic acid to people with a mutation in the MTHFR gene will not cure them of hyperhomocysteinemia. On the contrary, it can harm them more than help them. Due to the fact that the patient's body cannot process and absorb folic acid itself, it must provide it in a processed form, the so-called methylated. However, in order for a doctor to prescribe such a "special" folic acid to a patient, he must first find out whether he really is the owner of the damaged gene. Genetic tests will answer this question.

Read also: Excess CHOLESTEROL leads to atherosclerosis

MTHFR mutation study

You only need a little blood to test for the MTHFR mutationcheek swab. By doing it, the patient learns whethermalabsorption of folic acidand his hyperhomocysteinemia is the result of a genetic error.The sample taken for the test is blood or a cheek swab.It is enough to find a medical facility that has a MTHFR mutation test in its offer, and there are more and more of them.

The C677T and A1298C variants of the MTHFR gene causefolic acid to be poorly absorbed by the body , and homocysteine ​​cannot be converted to methionine. Folic acid deficiency is one of the leading causes of hyperhomocysteinemia.

Such an excessive level of homocysteine ​​damages the veins, making them more prone to the development of atherosclerosis or thrombotic disease.Its high concentration can be reduced by supplying the body with appropriate doses of folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. Their presence allows you to maintain the level of homocysteine ​​at the right level.

How much does a homocysteine ​​blood test cost?

The price for a homocysteine ​​blood test may vary from PLN 50 to PLN 110 depending on the big city and the facility where the test is to be performed.

Read also: Chelation: an alternative method of fighting atherosclerosis [INTERVIEW]

Worth knowing

What exactly is atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis is a disease in which the lumen of a blood vessel is partially or completely obstructed by an atherosclerotic plaque made of cholesterol. Cholesterol produced in the liver is responsible for many important body functions, including hormone production and digestion. There are two basic types:

  • high-density cholesterol (HDL),i.e. the so-called "Good",
  • low-density cholesterol (LDL),colloquially known as "bad" cholesterol.

There is also a so-called total cholesterol, which is the sum of all types (fractions) of cholesterol. It is worth knowing that we also supply cholesterol in our food. That is whytoo high level of "bad" cholesterol is very often the result of an improper, fatty diet.In a blocked vessel, blood cannot flow freely, and yet it supplies the cells of the human body with oxygen and nutrients . Its proper circulation in the body is therefore essential for life. The blood provides our internal organs with proper oxygenation and nutrition. For this reason, advanced atherosclerosis can lead toheart attack, stroke, ischemic heart diseaseorof the lower limbs.

Read also: Cholesterol - good and badcholesterol

Atherosclerosis can be prevented

Atherosclerosis prevention is based primarily on a proper diet.The following should be eliminated from the daily menu:

  • major sources of cholesterol,
  • fatty cheeses,
  • red meat,
  • sweets.

In return, it is goodto provide the body with adequate doses of folic acid . We can find it in:

  • cabbage,
  • lettuce,
  • Brussels sprouts,
  • broccoli,
  • pea,
  • beans,
  • oranges,
  • bananas.

Folic acid will lower the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, thanks to which it will no longer damage the blood vessels.
