Many women associate breast pain with cancer - completely wrong. The causes of breast pain can be different: premenstrual syndrome (PMS), mastopathy, cysts or cysts, fibroadenomas or papillomas. Breast pain can also be caused by poorly chosen underwear. Learn how to identify the cause of breast pain and how to relieve breast pain.
Breast pain , their swelling and hypersensitivity to touch can disgust every woman's life. Therefore, it is worth knowingcauses of breast painand methods of dealing with it.
Breast pains are most often physiological. They are not related to the disease, but to the natural processes in the woman's body.
However, you have to remember that they can also be a signal of a serious he alth problem, so you should find out their cause. Sometimes they occur cyclically, other times they are not cyclical. They can cover both breasts or just one, and sometimes only a small part of it.
Sometimes the symptoms are relatively minor and come down to slight sensitivity to touch and breast tenderness. At other times, persistent pains appear that make it difficult for a woman to function in everyday life.
Breast Pain: Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can cause breast pain. Hormone fluctuations are the most common cause of breast pain in women between the ages of 20 and 40.
The physiological decrease in estrogen and the simultaneous increase in progesterone in the second half of the menstrual cycle causes, among others, water retention in the glandular tissue. The breasts become hard, swollen and painful. In some women, an increase in prolactin may also be responsible for these symptoms.
Pain, generally dull, diffuse, occurs cyclically a few days before menstruation and usually subsides with the onset of bleeding. It is one of the symptoms of PMS.
Recurrent breast pains before menstruation are sometimes mild, they do not occur during every cycle, at other times they become a serious problem for a woman. They limit physical activity, cause irritability, nervousness, and contribute to depression.
Changes in your diet can make you feel better. You should limit the consumption of s alt, strong tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, drinkstype cola, alcohol.
At the same time, you should enrich your menu with products rich in vitamin E, vitamin A and B vitamins. It is believed that they can reduce hypersensitivity and breast swelling.
It is also worth trying other methods of relieving breast pain: cold compresses, drinking diuretic herbal teas in the second half of the cycle, using preparations with evening primrose oil or a drug with a unique composition of plant extracts (Mastodynon).
Many women experience a marked reduction in PMS, including breast pain, with a well-chosen oral hormonal contraceptive.
Breast pain: pregnancy and puerperium
Breast pain in pregnancy can be stabbing and paroxysmal or continuous. May appear as early as week 5: breasts become swollen and tender to touch. Appropriate underwear, cool compresses or alternating showers (warm and cool) can help.
After childbirth, every third woman suffers from inflammation of the mammary glands. Due to clogged milk ducts, the breast swells at first, then it becomes red and tender to touch.
Helps to express milk with a breast pump and latch the baby to the breast, despite the pain.
Cabbage leaf compresses are unrivaled - the leaf must be scalded and cooled down under the bra. If acute inflammation occurs, the doctor must intervene: he will recommend the use of medicinal ointments, compresses, and taking antibiotics.
Breast pain: mastopathy (mastopathic breasts)
Breast pain accompanied by swelling, hardness, and endometriosis (numerous lumps in the breasts) may indicate mastopathy.
Mastopathy breast pain usually goes away with the start of your period, then comes back.
The cause of mastopathy is usually hormonal disorders, most often too low levels of progesterone in relation to estrogens. Women between the ages of 30 and 40 usually experience changes, and they gradually disappear after the menopause.
The doctor orders an ultrasound of the breast, the determination of the level of hormones in the blood, and sometimes a mammogram.
If there is no suspicion of breast cancer, hormone balance should be restored.
Check-ups should be made at least once a year. This is important because cysts can form in the overgrown breast tissue.
Breast pain: cysts
Usually, only large cysts can cause pain radiating to the armpit, and the small ones are usually only felt under the fingers as small, hard lumps. Cysts are also called cysts and will usually appear between the ages of 30 and 50. Cysts are fluid-filled vesicles. They are smooth to the touch andyou can slide them freely between your fingers. To diagnose a cyst, your doctor will order an ultrasound or mammogram, and usually a fine needle biopsy. In the case of breast pain, a biopsy will also reduce it immediately.
Worth knowingIt happens that the breasts hurt, although there is nothing really wrong with them. The reasons can be banal, such as:
- wrong bra
- carrying a heavy bag over my shoulder
- slight trauma, e.g. while playing with a child
- muscle strain during exercise or pre-holiday cleanup
However, illness is also the cause. Soreness in one nipple, accompanied by a rash on one side of the body, is a sign of shingles. This disease is treated with antiviral and analgesic drugs.
A sharp pain that intensifies when sneezing, coughing or twisting the torso, located between the breasts or only in one of them, may be a sign of cost-sternal arthritis. It is treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Breast pain: fibroadenomas
Fibroid fibroadenoma causes breast pain very rarely - only in the case of sudden enlargement, as a result of which there is a bloody hemorrhage within the tumor.
Breast fibroadenoma is smooth and hard to the touch, it may be the size of a pea or a small lemon. It is most often found near the nipple.
It usually occurs before the age of 30, also in teenagers. They arise as a result of the excessive development of glandular and fibrous tissue in the breast.
To confirm the diagnosis, an ultrasound is performed and possibly a biopsy to examine the tissues under the microscope for the presence of neoplastic cells.
Women under the age of 25 rarely develop cancer due to fibroadenomas and are therefore allowed to be monitored. But at the request of the woman, they can also be removed. In middle age and old age, they need to be removed and checked for cancerous cells.
Older ladies have a much higher risk of developing a malignant tumor.
Breast pain: papillomas
Breast pain caused by papillomas can be very severe. All because papillomas form in the milk ducts, block them, which leads to the formation of inflammation and painful abscesses. It affects women in their 40s and 50s, before menopause.
There is a serous or milky discharge from the breast or nipple. The discharge may be stained with blood. The sick area is surgically cleaned.
Breast pain: breast cancer
The breast pain that causes breast cancer usually occursonly when the nodule reaches a size of at least 2 centimeters. That is why it is so important to consult your doctor immediately after feeling any change in your breast.
Breast pain: puberty and menopause
Breast pains occur in both these stages of life.
In girls, they are associated with the growth of the glandular tissue of the nipples and starting the production of female sex hormones at full steam.
In women in the climacteric period, they are the result of the opposite phenomenon - the gradual disappearance of glandular tissue and the extinction of the ovarian function, which is associated with a decrease in the concentration of estrogens and progesterone.
However, more serious causes of pain may occur in this period of a woman's life.
After the age of 50, the risk of neoplastic changes, both benign and malignant, increases. Therefore, the menopause does not absolve you from the obligation to regularly examine your breasts.
ImportantApart from pain, what should worry you?
- blood or purulent discharge from the nipple
- nipple retraction
- change in the appearance of the breast skin (resembles an orange peel)
- fever
- a noticeable lumpy creature
- axillary nodes enlargement
- swelling, redness, breast warming