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If you are pregnant, you will have regular visits to the gynecologist and lots of detailed tests. Find out what tests you should do and why they are so important. All this to control your he alth and whether your pregnancy is developing properly.

You should report to your first visitgynecologistbetween the 6th and 8th weekof pregnancy . Until the 28th week of pregnancy, you will have routine checkups every month (your doctor can arrange an individual appointment schedule for you and thentestsmay be more frequent). From week 28 to week 36, you will have a check-up every two weeks. The end of pregnancy until delivery is a weekly visit to the gynecologist.

Find out which pregnancy tests are mandatory

Pregnant gynecologist for the first time

Interview first

The gynecologist will ask you a lot of questions. To answer them, you should remember beforehand:

  • all serious illnesses you had before you got pregnant
  • Are you being treated and for what
  • Have you been to the hospital - and if so, for what reason
  • Have you had any operations
  • what medications do you take permanently
  • what chronic diseases did (have) your immediate family members - yours and your child's father
  • your last period
  • dates of previous pregnancies, births and miscarriages.

Your doctor or nurse will measure your blood pressure at each visit. Ideal is 120/80 mmHg; allowable is 139/89 mmHg.

Then the examination:

  • traditional gynecological examination
  • taking a vaginal smear (cytology assessing the condition of the cervix and determining the bacteriological condition of the vagina)
  • palpation (manual) of the breast
  • blood pressure measurement
  • sometimes around 6-8. During the week of pregnancy, an ultrasound is performed, which confirms the age of pregnancy and determines the stage of fetal development
  • weight measurement.

The doctor also orders:

  • blood test
  • determination of the blood group (yours and your child's father) - in the case of blood group incompatibility in the Rh factor in the parents - blood test for antibodies (to confirm or exclude a serological conflict)
  • blood sugar level indication
  • WR study - this analysisblood allows you to find out if you are not sick with syphilis
  • general urine test

Pregnancy record

The doctor will put it on during the first or second visit. The markings contained therein inform about the course of pregnancy.

ShortcutWhat does
RRblood pressure
b.z.unchanged (term mainly used for urine testing)
Hbhemoglobin level (blood component)
Feiron level
ASP or FHRfetal heart rate (tested usually from the 14th week of pregnancy)
Call connected mainlongitudinal head position (means that the fetus is placed head down in the uterus - this is how it should be in the last trimester of pregnancy)
Call copperpelvic position (means that the fetus is placed upside down in the uterus)
Advanced part of the fetusmeans that the head or buttocks of the fetus are pressed against the entrance of the pelvis (i.e. that the fetus is ready for delivery)
Height of the bottom of the uterusmeasurement of the height of the uterine floor in cm (measured from the top of the pubic bone to the xiphoid process of the chest bridge) - it informs about the growth of the uterus, and indirectly also about the proper development of pregnancy
PTP or TPexpected delivery date
TNWnext visit date

"M jak mama" monthly

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