Occupational medicine examines and monitors the he alth of all employees. An occupational medicine doctor is also responsible for detecting he alth hazards that may be created by specific workplaces and workstations. The doctor issues a certificate of fitness to perform the profession and the absence of contraindications to work. Each employee certainly had at least one visit at an occupational medicine clinic.
Zoccupational medicine physicianmust have de alt with all working people.Occupational medicineis a branch of medicine that deals with the protection of he alth of people working in preventive he althcare. The occupational medicine doctor also examines the influence of the working environment on the employee and assesses his ability to perform the profession and specific duties.
An occupational medicine doctor deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. Carries out preliminary, periodic and control tests of employees. Occupational medicine associates doctors of various speci alties - psychologists, ophthalmologists, nurses, who conduct employee examinations at the request of their employer.
- Systematic control of employees allows to assess their he alth condition, but also to detect harmful factors that result from working conditions. The occupational medicine doctor also informs patients on how to lead a he althy lifestyle and prevent possible he alth changes.
What does an occupational medicine doctor examine?
Scopeof preventive examinationsdepends on the nature of the work performed. Therefore, the referral should contain a detailed description of the workplace, along with information on possible factors harmful to he alth. The examination in an occupational medicine center takes place during working hours, and the employee is en titled to normal remuneration for the time of absence.
You should bring up-to-date test results and inform the doctor about your he alth condition.
The result of such a visit is usually a medical certificate stating the ability to perform work in a specific position or contraindications to work in the position and under certain conditions.
Worth knowingWhen to see an occupational medicine doctor?
The labor code specifiesfrequency of examinations at an occupational medicine center. The test should be performed in the following order:
- before starting a new job,
- after changing position,
- after changing the nature of the position,
- before the previous certificate expires (for people working in the same position),
- after sick leave for more than 30 days.