Can't imagine your day without a cup of strong, hot, aromatic coffee? If you are reasonable and care about the he alth of your baby and your own he alth, try to change your habits during pregnancy. Green tea is milder than coffee, it does not contain caffeine, which can be harmful to a developing baby, and just like coffee, it has a stimulating effect, invigorates the mind, improves concentration and relieves nausea.
Since you've been inpregnant , you've probably felt overwhelming sleepiness in the middle of the day. It would be best to just lie down and have a nap. But what to do when you are at work? How tempting then to think of a cup of strongcoffee ! It is the stimulating caffeine contained in it that puts you on your feet, but it is because of it that doctors advise future mothers to limit this drink. Caffeine works in the body for 4 hours, but in a pregnant woman it lasts longer, especially in the last months. Caffeine during these hours also stimulates the child's body, whose immature liver cannot cope with it yet. Moreover, as it is a diuretic, it may increase the urge to visit the toilet frequently; it also rinses the body of calcium and magnesium that you and your baby need, and also hinders the absorption of iron. It can also make heartburn worse and make it difficult to sleep. Experts believe that the allowable daily dose of caffeine in pregnancy is 200 mg, which is two cups of not very strong coffee. Maybe you can give it up completely?
Pregnant green tea to stimulate
If you drink coffee to chase away fatigue, switch togreen tea . It works more gently than coffee and black tea (the latter strongly stimulates the nervous system, and the tannins contained in it irritate the gastric mucosa and are constipating!). Green tea enlivens the mind and improves concentration. The theine contained in it works slower than caffeine from coffee, but its stimulating effect lasts longer. Green tea can also soothe shattered nerves; The first brewing gives a stimulant infusion, but if you brew the same leaves a second time, the infusion will have a calming effect. Green tea is a source of valuable micronutrients: zinc, fluoride and iron, and at the same time does not irritate the stomach. However, since it contains stimulants, its consumption should be limited to 1-2 glasses a day. Thisimportant also for another reason: in recent years, there have been studies that show that green tea consumed in large quantities may impede the absorption of folic acid, which supports the proper development of the nervous system in the first trimester of pregnancy. So if you'd rather be safe than sorry, give up green tea in the first trimester. You can also relieve sleepiness by drinking mineral water regularly throughout the day. The human body consists of 70% of water, it is necessary for all processes taking place in it, so a well-hydrated body works better. Avoid drinking cola drinks, however, they contain caffeine, and the carbon dioxide they are saturated with can make heartburn worse. During pregnancy, you should not reach for energizers, which in 1 serving contain more caffeine than a cup of strong coffee.
Pregnancy - can you drink tea?
ImportantEspresso coffee is he althier than the so-called Turkish coffee, i.e. ground coffee, brewed with boiling water in a glass.
Pregnant green tea or rooibos instead of coffee
If you value coffee or black tea for their taste, you have a variety of alternatives to choose from. Black tea can be replaced by the aforementioned green tea or rooibos - an infusion of red bush leaves (Aspalathus linearis). It does not contain caffeine, theine or irritating tannins, but it soothes nausea and is a source of iron. It has a bright color and a honey flavor. Rooibos can be drunk during pregnancy without restrictions, it is also recommended during feeding, as it stimulates the production of food. And what to drink for flavor instead of coffee? A popular substitute is grain coffee, made from roasted cereal grains with the addition of chicory and sugar beet. It is available on the market in soluble or in infusion bags; its taste will be emphasized by the addition of milk. It does not match the taste of coffee, but does not have any harmful properties, but it is a great aid in digestion.
Coffee in pregnancy - preferably decaffeinated
If you can't resist the aroma of real coffee, drink it in a light version: decaffeinated (a cup of the latter contains only 3 mg of caffeine) or a light coffee that is a mixture of grain coffee or chicory and black coffee. Use milk to whiten your black coffee, it won't irritate the stomach so much.
Herbal teas for pregnant ailments. What kind of tea to drink?
You can fight unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy, such as: morning sickness, energy drops, hot flashes, for example by drinking herbal teas. Check how to prepare an infusion of mint, lemon balm, chamomile and elderberry flower yourself, which will effectively alleviate pregnancy-related ailments.
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